Sunday, July 1, 2007

– What if you’re starting from broke?

Is My Power Mall for everyone? We believe it is! Can you succeed with MPM if you are broke or have very little resources? We believe you can! That’s the reason the system is FREE and why all tools are FREE. Our CEO & Founder says, "Without giving you a long sordid story, I’ve had nothing at one point in my life and know what it’s like to struggle against almost insurmountable odds to change my life. I’ve watched people struggle to make money online, investing in one thing after another in a futile search to find the one thing that works – disappointed over and over."

The question is – can someone build a successful MPM business if they are starting with nothing? We believe the answer is yes, but you (listen carefully if you are one of them) need to accept some basic truths in the very beginning:

1 - You are going to have to work harder than other people who have money to invest

2 - You are going to have to be creative and think “outside-the-box” thoughts.

3 - You have to accept that it will probably take you a little longer than it will for people with money to invest.

4 - You are going to have to want it badly enough to pay a little higher price – knowing that your rewards will be exponentially greater as well!

Okay… if you are starting with nothing, or have people on your team starting with nothing, and you really want to succeed, here’s where we want you to start:

*** Make sure you read the Training Letters about Goals and the Law of Attraction. Then read them again, and again, and again – making sure you do all the exercises. All the great ideas we are about to share with you will mean nothing if you haven’t laid a solid foundation in your life and heart.******

Now, here are some suggestions for ways to build your business:

1 – If you don’t have a computer - go to the library on a daily basis or work out a trade agreement with a neighbor to use their computer. Offer to baby sit in exchange for your computer time. Fix your specialty recipe. Do some yard work. Find something they need and do it in exchange for some regular computer time.

2 – Make absolutely sure you are receiving our emails – especially since you probably can’t download the RSS Feed Reader on someone else’s computer. We will give you a daily flow of information and inspiration that will keep you moving forward – even when you think you can’t do it. If you’re not getting our emails go to the home page of your Back Office and click on the link that will tell you how to make sure you receive them.

3 – Don’t have a car to get to the library? Catch the bus, pull out your bike, or walk. Remember – you’re going to have to work harder to make it happen but, hey, the exercise will be great for you!

4 – What to do once you’re in front of the computer? Send out permission emails. This concept was introduced to us by one of our very first members. Basically you are sending someone an email to ask if you can send them some information on My Power Mall. Next, go to your favorite search engine and search for "Free Classified Ads and Classified Ads". Then go to the ads where people are advertising for folks to join their business. The odds are that they are part of the 97% failing!

Receive a FREE online Shopping Mall with 1000+ stores!

There is nothing to sell – you simply shop in your own Mall with millions of products!

There is no qualifying for your income – there are no games to play!

All Business Tools are FREE!

You can generate Unlimited Income!

No matter what you’re currently doing, My Power Mall can be a part of your strategy to gain financial freedom. You can check it out at:

5 - Send invitations to website owners…

We love this because if you can wrap your brain around what we're about to share you will NEVER run out of people to share My Power Mall with. What if you were to write letters to the owners of websites?

For example… go to your favorite search engine and search for "Working From Home". You’ll come up with 798,000,000 search results! Start from the back. Start from the middle. Just start somewhere and contact the owners of these websites by going to their Contact Us Page. If you’re not a writer, send them an email with a banner. Copy one of the Invitation cards and put it in an email. Use one of the Email Campaign letters. Then start sending them out, telling them you visited their website and think they should see MPM. You could end up with an individual or with an online business with existing massive resources to build MPM – right under you!

You don’t have to have a penny to be able to do this – just persistence and a will to succeed!

More Search ideas:

Women Business Owners8,650,000

Teen Entrepreneur 946,000

Save Money 202,000,000

College Networks 64,400,000

Stay at Home moms 7,940,000

Come up with your own ideas – the possibilities are limitless!

Here’s a sample email you can send (feel free to alter it in any way):

My Power Mall is a free online Shopping Mall with 1000+ of America’s leading retail stores. It's FREE, there is nothing to sell, there is no qualifying for your income, and all the business tools are free – from classified ads to banners, in addition to a complete email campaign. It would take you just minutes to integrate it in with your existing website and generate unlimited income – all from giving people their very own online Shopping Mall for free!

Check it out by watching the video at I will work closely with you to assure your success, though the system is so simple you probably won’t need me!

Have a great day!


6 – Contact Ezine owners

An Ezine is nothing more than a magazine online, and they support themselves by selling advertising. Since you’re broke you’re not going to buy advertising but there is still a way to approach them. Try the following email:

Check it out by watching the video at I’ll work closely with you to assure your success though you’ll find the system so simple you probably won’t need me!

What kind of ezine can you approach? The better question is who can’t you approach? Doesn’t everyone shop? Doesn’t everyone have everyday needs and wants? Doesn’t everyone have a desire for greater financial freedom? There is no limit.

If you’re creative and willing to think “Outside the Box” there is no limit to the approaches you can take in contacting people. Via email, it won’t cost you a penny. How many emails can you send daily? 50? 100? How badly do you want Financial Freedom? Even if you’re a single Mom with 5 kids, you can find time to send even 2-3 emails. Added up on a daily basis you will send hundreds – giving you a chance to create financial freedom.

We’ve provided you with the FREE Mall and all the tools you need. Now it’s up to you to actually use them.

7 – Focus on finding people with money to spend

This one is really important. While we want you to share MPM with everyone you know – giving them a chance for success as well – you want to put your focus (at least in the beginning) on people who have money to spend. You can only make money when people SHOP. If you build your team with only people who are in the same financial straits you are, you will have a large team, but you won’t make any money!

If you think you can’t communicate with people who have a lot of money until you have a lot of your own I want you to RUN to your local video store and get the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, starring Will Smith. It’s a true story about a man who beat the odds – earning a place in a Wall Street investment firm while he was living in a Homeless Shelter. Whatever your current condition, you CAN change it! Set a night aside and watch this movie – alone, with your partner, or with your kids. It will be powerful for all of you!

8 – Local college campus

The 18-24 age group consists of some of the biggest online spenders. They grew up on the Internet and do almost everything online. Find them! Hand out Invitation cards. Print up some flyers – all in black & white if you can’t afford color. Call around till you find one of the places that will print them for 3 cents apiece, or do them on your own printer.

Put up flyers around campus. Leave them in bathrooms. Again, be creative.

Okay… these ideas should at least get you started. You’ll pick up more ideas in the rest of the Training Letters. Before we end today, we want to give you a challenge. Only you can tell which one of these two people you are…

Take a deep breath and determine if you are ready for a challenge and some soul searching. If you aren't, don't read this. If you choose to read it, then read through to the end. This is something Ginny wrote…

As I grow older, and as I watch people, I have learned there are two basic types… There are talkers. And there are doers.

Lots of people are talkers. They tell you all about what they are "going to do". They have big plans and good intentions, but all they do is talk. They're always going to do it tomorrow. They're always going to do it later. They're always "going to do it". Sound like anyone you know?

Then there are the doers. They might not talk about it at all - they just go do it, then tell you about it when it's done. Regardless, they DO IT. If they say they are going to do something - they do it.

No matter who you are - man, woman, teenager - the results of your whole life will depend on what you DO, not what you "talk about"!

Would you like to guess which group of people is going to be the one that experiences success in life? Success in whatever they decide to do? You're right. The DOERS!

I learned a long time ago that important things take tremendous work and perseverance. I also learned the closer you get to the realization of that goal, the greater and more intense the obstacles become. It's as if the Universe is testing you to see how much you want it.

One of my favorite people is AL Williams. Years ago he went against the tide of standard thinking and began a revolution in Life Insurance. People told him it couldn't be done. They said there was no way a country speaking football coach from Georgia could turn the Insurance Industry upside down. He listened, then went and did it anyway.

I am going to steal a concept he used during one of his tapes I listened to. Since I'm a good southern girl I'm going to "speak my language."

Be honest enough to acknowledge if you hear yourself in this...

Folks, I've heard it all. I've listened to so many people tell me what they are going to do. I'm going to make more sales. I'm going to get a promotion by working hard. I'm going to start my own business. I'm going to make better grades. I'm going to volunteer and make a difference in my community. I'm going to...?

But... I just got to do a few things. Just as soon as things calm down at work, I'm gonna go do it. Just as soon as I get things together at home, I'm gonna go do it. Just as soon as I get my desk clean and organized I'm gonna do it. Just as soon as I learn some more things, I'm gonna do it. Just as soon as I have some more money I'm gonna do it. Really! I'm gonna do it.

As soon as I get smarter. As soon as I get braver.. As soon as I have more time. As soon as I get focused. Then I'm going to do it.

Folks, you're gonna spend the rest of your life getting ready. You're going to spend the rest of your life TALKING about what you're gonna do.

There's only one remedy. You got to go DO IT. Just go DO IT. Don't tell me about what you're going to do. Just go do it. What are you going to do? Whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. Whatever it takes to create the kind of life you want.

Just do it. And if you do it, and do it, and do it? You'll be exactly what you want to be. All your dreams will come true.

Doggone it folks. You just got to quit TALKING about what you're going to do. You got to go DO IT. AND DO IT. AND DO IT. AND DO IT.


We want you to stop what you're doing and think for a few minutes - or as long as it takes. Then we want you to write yourself a letter. Make a commitment to yourself of what you are going to DO. Make a list of your goals and put them where you'll see them.

Here's something that will really determine if you are a talker or a Doer. Write your letter, then ask a friend to mail it to you in 2-3 months. You can put it in a self-addressed, stamped envelope they will merely slip in the mail. You'll be able to see for yourself whether you are a talker or a DOER.

Challenging you because…


Have a fabulous, powerful day!

Rex Andrews

Your MPM Team

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