Saturday, June 30, 2007

- Who makes the best MPM Members?

That’s a really great question! While the number of online shoppers is growing in every demographic group, there are certainly some that shop MORE online than others. It’s only reasonable to focus on giving your Mall to these people, though you also want to give it to anyone who wants it!

So who is most likely to shop online?

People age 18-24

People with children

Women - because of their busy schedules

People with higher incomes

People with college educations

That’s what the demographics say but we want to caution you against focusing on just those groups. Let us share some history with you. It used to be that most online shopping came from larger metropolitan areas where people were more likely to have computers and were considered more sophisticated consumers. Then gas shot up to $3.00+ a gallon. Suddenly, people in rural or remote areas realized the benefits of not having to drive, and having things delivered to their door. Online shopping has risen dramatically among rural shoppers.

Let’s take this one step further. We want to encourage every one of you to think of ways MY POWER MALL can change the lives of people around you. Let’s think for instance of someone who doesn’t have a computer. Can they really succeed with MPM? At first glance you would say, “No.” How are they going to sign up? How will they access the tools? They can’t buy anything online. They probably don’t appreciate online spending anyway. And if they don’t have a computer they probably can’t afford to buy anything online.

Okay, we'll agree that all of those points have some validity. What you don’t know about that person is just how much they WANT to succeed in their life. MY POWER MALL was created to give ANYONE a chance to find financial freedom!

So let’s look at that person another way. It won’t cost you a penny to give a Mall to every person who wants one. Even if they have to go to the library to sign up, they can. They can sign up for a free Yahoo or Hotmail account so they can receive the Training Material. They can also use the library computer to send out dozens, hundreds, or thousands of E-cards and emails. They can probably afford to have 10 or 20 Invitation cards printed out, but even if they can’t, the E-cards and emails will do the trick. They can also make phone calls and just say, “Hey, you’ve got to go check this out! It’s FREE!” They may not be buying anything yet, but they could be helping build your Rebate System like crazy! When they start making money you can be sure they’ll buy things in their Mall.

We give them the Mall. We give them all the tools. We send them all the training materials and encourage them regularly. All we want you to do is look at the world through eyes that see every single person as someone who deserves the right to have the chance to change their life!

Now, we think it’s important to understand the potential of MPM as a multiple stream of income for people who have other businesses. Many people you talk to will have been involved at some time with an MLM company. We’ve always hated the mentality among MLM companies that punish people for telling someone in that company about another business opportunity that could help them. These people are independent adults who would most times be wise to seek multiple streams of income. They can be excited about more than one thing and they can effectively promote more than one thing. You will never find us pushing the “We’ll fire you if you do something else” mentality!

We’ve also hated the mentality that says, “We’ll build our company by stealing from another MLM company.” Why? There are 300+ MILLION people in the U.S. They all buy all the things on My Power Mall. While we have been very open about our dislike of how most MLM companies work – because we believe too many of them make money OFF people instead of with them – we also have no intention of slamming individual companies and trying to steal people away, and we hope none of you will do that either.

We believe all you have to do is share My Power Mall with people and let them make their own decisions! They’ll recognize the power of a Mall with 1000 stores that is completely FREE, requires no selling, and plays none of the “Qualifying Games.” Whether they decide to do MPM exclusively or in conjunction with many other business opportunities – the choice is theirs to make. We're simply going to focus on giving them as many tools as possible to make building their business easier, and cheer the loudest when they finally find Financial Freedom!

We hope you will always choose a path of integrity as you build your business. Be honest. Be completely open. Don’t give people a bunch of hype. Don’t make promises you can’t fulfill. Realize that people are desperate to change their lives and are looking for someone they can trust to help them.

We believe My Power Mall is the best opportunity available. If you believe the same thing, then all you have to do is share it. Don’t pressure people. Don’t push them. Offer them something free and then move on – you can always go back to them later. If you treated them with respect they will listen to you in the future.

Thanks for helping us change lives!

Rex Andrews

The MPM Team

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