Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Who's Driving Your Bus?

If we think about our own lives as being a journey on a bus, surrounded by a great variety of people, all with particular positions on our bus that relate to where they fit into our lives. Some are right there next to us; some behind us; some in front of us... but all are important in playing some role in how we are "positioned" in their lives, and they in ours.

As I write this I am reminded of the movie "Speed" with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves - where they were all on a bus being controlled by a maniac demanding a ransom. The truth is that all too often our lives can be like that; out of control, with someone else doing the driving. A fearful situation? Of course it is!

The brutal truth is that so many people are living-out that nightmare bus-ride right now! Out of control - and don't know what they can do about it.

OK, now you've got the scene in your mind. In order to get some perspective on our own lives, we need to move to the back seat of the bus for a while, and become the observer of what is really going on.

We need to observe who the most significant people are, and how they are positioned in our lives.

Are they standing over us because they feel superior? Are they moving forward in their own lives and leaving us behind? Are they falling behind us because we've chosen to move forward?

So now we are faced with an important question, "Who's driving your bus"?

Is it someone from your past who has dominated you and what you do, even though they may not still be present in your life now? Are they taking you where you want to go? Do you feel like you would like to the bus to stop and let you off? Now here comes the challenge...

From this rear seat of observation, we need to start to move closer to the driver's seat. It doesn't matter how long this takes, and it doesn't matter how much we are challenged by the people who may be trying to block our progress forward. We have to do this for ourselves... starting right now!

Our goal is to be in the driver's seat of our own lives!

It is inevitable that we are going to be challenged, and that's when we need courage!

Yes - we will all take different lengths of time to move forward... that's when we need persistence, and patience with ourselves!

Most certainly we will feel daunted at times by this process... that's when we need to have determination!

We are going to have to ask people to vacate their seats (which can possibly be their dominant positions in our lives) so that we can move forward towards that front seat we wish to occupy. We are going to have to sit in the middle of the bus at times while we learn to muster more courage and determination to move forward again. This is all part of the process, so stick with it because this is all for YOU!

During this process of moving forward we must remain conscious of where the bus is now, and think about where we really want to take it once we're up front, and in control.

One very important point! At no stage in this process do we tread on someone if they get in our way (as we move forward), simply step around them and move on.

OK - you've made it! You have asked the driver to step aside and let you have your turn, and now you're in the seat. It's all up to you now!

If you're not too sure of what to do and how to do it, just stop and park for a while. It doesn't matter what you do and how long it takes, because this is your game now - so play it your way!

Get crystal clear on where you choose to take your bus now, and very clear on who you wish to accompany you on this new journey. The rest is a process of trusting your own judgement and decisions.

Good luck... and always remember - "What other people do or say is their stuff; how we react is our stuff."

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Technorati Profile

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why does My Power Mall exist?

I am glad you are still reading my letters. I just truly hope that someday we will have a chance to work together directly. I am eager to help you succeed with My Power Mall; the most amazing business I have ever seen. Let me tell you a little more about Ginny Dye, the Founder of My Power Mall. The best way to do that is to share something with you that she wrote:

I started My Power Mall for two reasons. One was to use our systems to help people find financial freedom. That is YOU. The other was to use the money generated to change the world! And, yes, I am completely serious!

My Power Mall is just one division of Together We Can Change The World, Inc. A team of 60 people have been building this company since the Fall of 2002. Another division called Shop For Charity Day uses our systems to raise money for 150,000+ registered non-profit organizations, schools and churches. Together We Can Change the World Day mobilizes people all over the country to make a difference in their communities on the first Saturday of every month. Together We Can Change The World Publishing puts out a series of books with titles like 101 Ways You Can Change The World, 101 Ways Youth Can Change The World, 101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World, and many more.

The whole reason for this company is to harness the power of online spending to change the world; changing your life along the way. I am telling you all this because as My Power Mall grows as a company I will be challenging all of you to use your life to make a difference; whether you want to give time or money.

I promise you that as a company we will be leading the way. We give 6.5% of corporate profits to the One-Child-At-A-Time program, but that will just be the beginning. Another 5% goes into the Together We Can Change The World Foundation; becoming a source of funding for projects near and dear to our hearts. Even more money will be allocated toward tremendous exposure for Together We Can Change The World Day. I truly am committed to mobilizing millions of people on the first Saturday of every month to work in their local communities. Corporate income will also be used to hire more people to take the Shop For Charity Day message to even more non-profits; giving them even more income to fulfill their missions, without it costing them a penny.

117 BILLION DOLLARS was spent online last year. The Together We Can Change The World divisions are channeling large amounts of that back to where it can make a difference. I hope you will see we are doing everything we can to fulfill our mission.

So you see... if you decide to become a part of My Power Mall, you are joining a company committed to making a difference. Wow!

The best part is that you can generate money not only for your organization, but also for your staff AND the people who support you - with a completely FR*EE program. We recommend a certain strategy for every organization we work with. Whoever is reading this letter; you should join My Power Mall first. Then, sign your organization up under you. Once the organization has their website, then you can send it to your Board, your supporters, etc. and let them get their own F*REE Power Mall. Everything that happens from that point forward will create income for your organization, for you, and for the people who are helping you build it. We have created My Power Mall to be the ultimate Win/Win situation for organizations!

So let me just hit the highlights again...

- MY POWER MALL really is FR*EE. There is no cost to you. EVER.

- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of 1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your family need and want.

- Give away F*REE Malls and create financial freedom from all the purchases on your team.

- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it is yours. Pretty simple.

- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!

- All tools are FRE*E. You are given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their motto. Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at . You will be able to view a great video and have every question
I look forward to working with you!



Free ebook

Monday, October 29, 2007


Accurate analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure, disclosed the fact that lack of decision was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of failure. This is no mere statement of a theory - it is a fact.
Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer.

You will have an opportunity to test your capacity to reach quick and definite decisions when you finish reading this lesson, and are ready to begin putting into action the principles which it describes.

Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million dollar mark, disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of reaching decisions promptly, and of changing these decisions slowly, if, and when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.

The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs, are, generally, easily influenced by the "opinions" of others. They permit the newspapers and the "gossiping" neighbors to do their "thinking" for them. "Opinions" are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by "opinions" when you reach decisions, you will not succeed in any undertaking, much less in that of transmuting your own desire into money.

If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no desire of your own.

Napoleon Hill
From Think and Grow Rich

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Secret To Growing A List Of 1000+ Fast

Wanna Learn How To Grow An Organization
Of 6737+, Personally Recruiting 427+ People,
Get's More Check In The Mail A Month Than
There Are Days, And Pulls In More Money In A
Month Than Most Earn In A Year All Without
Picking Up The Phone, Breaking A Sweat, Or
Doing Anything More Than Sending An Email...

I got asked this question a few days ago:

"How do I grow a list of 1000+ subscribers or
more in the quickest and easiest way?"

A great question and one that's on the minds
of many many people, and so I'll let you in
on exactly what I responded to this questions
with . . .

First I asked her "What is the list for?"

She responded "To grow my businesses."

I said "Well why do these people that will
eventually be on your list want to be there?"

It was at this point she hesitated a bit and
didn't have a strongly defined answer.

The biggest mistake that people make when
they approach the question of growing a list
is the question of "WHY?"

Sure they think vaguely that if they have a
large list of prospect that they will somehow
make money from it, but the truth is this is
NOT always the case.

You can buy lists of thousands of people out
there for $100 on eBay, but I wouldn't do it
and they wouldn't sell them to you if there
was more value than that in them.

If you want to know the quickest and easiest
way to grow a large list. That's it. I just
gave it to you, but what needs to be
understood is that is not what you want.

In fact, I'd personally rather have a tiny
list than a large one, less spam complaints
and less hassle, as long that list knows me
and is able to learn from what I teach.

The same should be true for you.

Don't think about size. Think about WHO you
want on that list and WHY they would want to
be there and only attract those people and
you'll quickly realize that size, at least as
far as lists are concerned is NOT the most
important thing.

First find out who you are and why those you
attract will want to know you and you'll take
the first step to creating the right type of
a list.

To the top,

Daegan Smith

P.S. Wanna Learn How To Grow An Organization
Of 6737+, Personally Recruiting 427+ People,
Get's More Check In The Mail A Month Than
There Are Days, And Pulls In More Money In A
Month Than Most Earn In A Year All Without
Picking Up The Phone, Breaking A Sweat, Or
Doing Anything More Than Sending An Email...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Wondering what the catch is?

Just me again. You know, when I joined My Power Mall it was really important to know if they had tools to help me succeed, and I also wanted to know how much money I was going to have to invest to share it with people. Sure, maybe it was Fr*ee but where was the catch? I decided to really check it out so I joined, went to my Back Office and was completely blown away to find:

* A complete Training site with 40 wonderful training letters

* Training Calls & Recordings of all company calls

* A complete Email Campaign. Yes, if this works with you, you can use it yourself!

* Beautiful full-color Invitation Cards

* A series of E-cards I can send for F*REE

* Internet Marketing Training

* Classified Ads

* Banners coded with my MPM ID#

* Flyers

* Complete Business Reports

* A Members Forum

* And, a Communications Forum where I can communicate directly with the Founder, Ginny Dye

And, YES, all of it really is FR*EE.

The best part is that you can generate money not only for your organization, but also for your staff AND the people who support you - with a completely FR*EE program. We recommend a certain strategy for every organization we work with. Whoever is reading this letter; you should join My Power Mall first. Then, sign your organization up under you. Once the organization has their website, then you can send it to your Board, your supporters, etc. and let them get their own F*REE Power Mall. Everything that happens from that point forward will create income for your organization, for you, and for the people who are helping you build it. We have created My Power Mall to be the ultimate Win/Win situation for organizations!

So, let me hit the highlights again...

- MY POWER MALL really is FR*EE. There is no cost to you. EVER.

- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of 1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your family need and want.

- Give away F*REE Malls and create financial freedom from all the purchases on your team.

- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it is yours. Pretty simple.

- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!

- All tools are FRE*E. You are given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their motto. Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at . You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

I look forward to working with you!

Rex Andrews USA

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Many years ago a movement swept through America. The call went out to all who had the courage and vision to "Head West". What a picture was drawn for them... The West is where you want to be. There is land for everyone - for the taking! Beautiful. Fertile. Opportunity for everyone. Don't miss your opportunity to be one of the first to stake your claim!

The call went out and hordes signed up to join the wagon trains pulling out of Independence, Missouri. As the pioneers bought supplies and lined up their wagons, their eyes shone with the excitement of what would be waiting at the end of the trail. I think it fair to say not one of them had a real understanding of what lay between Missouri and the far west they envisioned in their dreams.

Can't you hear the conversation....?

"Why, honey," one confident husband says to his rather nervous wife, "There isn't going to be anything to this. We've got a nice, sturdy wagon. We're all together, and we have plenty of food. We're just going to roll along the trail for a while and soon we'll have everything we've dreamed of. Just think of it!"

I don't know how long before the starry looks faded from their eyes - somewhere between broken wagon wheels and Indian attacks. Maybe it was the weevils in the flour, or the snowstorm that left them stranded in the mountains for months on end. Perhaps it was losing a child to illness because there were not enough medical supplies, or simply the fatigue that came from fighting dust, heat and long days of the grueling cruelness of the trail.

Every pioneer who started down the trail, if they didn't die, had one of three things happen. Some gave up and turned back. Others decided they couldn't take any more and simply built a house where they stopped. Then there were the others... the ones who made it all the way to the West.

Yes, somewhere along the way the starry look faded from their eyes...... faded.... to be replaced by determination. Broken wagon wheels; Indian attacks; weevils; snowstorms; death; fatigue; choking dust and long days. They all became daily obstacles to be endured and overcome, but at some point each person who made it simply decided nothing was going to stop them. They had left behind their former lives to go someplace new. They were going…


So what about you? Do you have a dream? Do you have something you’ve started, but then turned back because it seemed so hard? Or maybe you’re still on the trail, wondering which obstacle will be the one to destroy what you’ve worked so hard for.

Maybe you’re just looking at the trail, thinking, “No way. Not me. That just looks to hard.” Yet your heart yearns to go where the trail will take you.

You have a choice to make every single day. You can stay right where you are, or you can go on an adventure to accomplish what you dream of accomplishing. Not going may seem safer, but the truth is that not going will only assure you stay right where you are in your life.

What do you want? Where do you want to go? The only way to get there is to start your journey – then determine to not let anything stop you.

You can do it!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Vitamark Success Story

New Diamond Marsha Griggs tells us how she's building a growing Vitamark business and what success really means to her.¨

Raymond and I have been with Vitamark since day one. I had always heard it said that there will be that one function that clicks, that makes the light come on, that one function that gets the business from your head to your heart. Well, Convention 2007 was that function for me.Â

The funny thing is, I almost did not go. Just before Convention, I had taken on a new client in my traditional business and thought I was too busy to go to Convention. But, I had made the commitment to my upline and downline and was driving one of the cars, so I went.

I don't know what there was about this particular function that was so 
special that it made me look at everything in a different light, but evidently there was something. I just kept seeing these people on stage 
that were really no different than me, so why were they up there and I was sitting in the audience. Then I realized it all boils down to commitment.

They were committed and I wasn't! So half way through that function, I wrote out my goal to be Diamond by December 30, 2007 and gave a copy to Fran Flanders, my upline Diamond and to Kimberr Jarvis.

On the way home I realized that if I didn't go home and get right on making Diamond, I probably wouldn't do it at all, because as someone said on stage at Convention, "Life moved in." Life has a way of sucking all the air from your sails and the commitment from your goals.

We got back from Convention on Sunday, Sept. 2 and I set the week of September 9-15 as my Diamond week. It wasn't an easy week, but it worth the effort.

Not only did I make Diamond that week, but it sparked a new life in my group. People who hadn't done anything for months or even years, stepped up to the plate and committed to help.

Going Diamond was a team effort, from Doug and Kimberr, who kept me on track and gave lots of good advice and support, Ron and Fran Flanders who were there to help in every way possible. Jim and Carol McKenzie, who are always there for help and support.

Now, my commitment to my group is to help each and every one of my group to reach the Diamond level. Also, Sept 12 was by 60th birthday, so I got a "diamond" for my birthday."

Having said that, I need to give the glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who tells us that we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.

Marsha Griggs
Diamond Affiliate

Monday, October 22, 2007

* * Presenting... MY POWER MALL! * *


I hope you are still thinking about My Power Mall. It has done so much to change my own life and is helping thousands of organizations all across the country! Here is some more information to help you make the right decision for you...

Take a look at the foundation of the My Power Mall system. Every single person receives their own FRE*E Personal Shopping Mall. There are over 1000 stores in your Mall; many of them name-brand stores you shop at every day. The difference is that when you walk into your local Office Max and buy office supplies, only Office Max makes mone.y. With the MY POWER MALL System, our Instant Rebate Program allows you and your organization to make mon.ey when you shop at on your own online Mall.

You can buy virtually anything in your own Power Mall.

- Electronics - Clothing

- Books - Jewelry

- Insurance - Airline Tickets

- Rental Cars - Restaurant Meals

- Gifts - Food

- Health supplies - Pet Products

- Home Products - Gardening Equipment

- Toilet Paper - Toothpaste

- Gift Cards - Office Supplies

The list could go on and on. 1000+ stores with millions of products ensure you will find what you need.

But that is not all. There is an entire team of people scouring the Mall for you daily; looking for the very best deals available, ensuring you will save as much money as possible when you are purchasing the everyday items you need and want. They do all the searching and then they let you know what they find. Amazing!

It is really very simple. You shop for things you are going to buy anyway, and MPM sends you Instant Rebate checks for a % of your purchase. As an additional bonus you will not have to spend gas or time to shop, things will be delivered right to your door, you will never have to wonder if the store is going to have your color or size, and you will be reducing greenhouse emissions by not driving your car so much! Stay home, click through 1000+ stores, buy what you want and make money! It becomes even more exciting when you start sharing your FR*EE Power Mall with other people. Your income potential is virtually unlimited.

The best part is that you can generate money not only for your organization, but also for your staff AND the people who support you - with a completely FR*EE program. We recommend a certain strategy for every organization we work with. Whoever is reading this letter; you should join My Power Mall first. Then, sign your organization up under you. Once the organization has their website, then you can send it to your Board, your supporters, etc. and let them get their own F*REE Power Mall. Everything that happens from that point forward will create income for your organization, for you, and for the people who are helping you build it. We have created My Power Mall to be the ultimate Win/Win situation for organizations!

Presenting.... MY POWER MALL!

- MY POWER MALL really is FR*EE. There is no cost to you. EVER.

- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of 1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your family need and want.

- Give away F*REE Malls and create financial freedom from all the purchases on your team.

- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it is yours. Pretty simple.

- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!

- All tools are FRE*E. You are given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their motto. Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at

. You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.
I look forward to working with you!

Rex Andrews

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ride The Crave Wave!

from News Department
Crave Energy Drink™ : Coming Soon!

The Crave Energy Drink™ Countdown continues this week -- what are you doing to get ready for the "Crave" explosion? Don't forget to let your prospects, customers and your entire group know just how big this is will be! You don't want to be caught unprepared as the launch date draws nearer!

People Are Talking
"WOW! I want to share with the team about Crave. We Diamonds and above each got two sample packs of Crave in little plastic zip lock bags at the Leadership Dinner in Houston at Convention, so we could experience and know about Crave. Crave is a pretty green colored powder, sort of like Kool Aid, only it's actually GOOD For you.

Being a nice and careful yellow, I didn't test my Crave samples at convention. I waited til I got home to the safety of my own nest. I had NO IDEA what to expect. And hence was TOTALLY unprepared for what happened next. WOW! Crave is unbelievable. I only took 1/4th - yes only ONE FORTH - of the sample pack. I mixed it into a water bottle (8 ounces), shook it up and down 2 or 3 times, and began to sip the Crave. I couldn't believe it. Now, remember I am moving. Moving is stressful, right? And LOTS of heavy work. Lifting things. Packing. Toting things upstairs and downstairs. Putting things in the car. Lugging things OUT of the car, etc. Plus, I have SO MUCH BACKED UP PAPERWORK. Ugh. It really piled up while I was searching and then buying my new property. So my mind would just glaze over and I would go numb with the thought of tackling that paperwork mountain. Ugh.

Then, I took a sip of Crave. WAHOO! GAZOO! I couldn't move around fast enough. Tote stuff, pack stuff, Did 4 hours NONSTOP of moving through that paperwork mountain. Filing, Sorting, Trashing, Processing, Making Phone Calls, Checking Bank Balances, etc., etc. And guess what, I did not get tired once. Not one second. Not one iota! Wah! Now, would you think I was crazy on caffeine? Absolutely NOT. I had really nice mellow, even stamina and endurance. (And I did NOT crash nor get a headache or anything. And slept REALLY GOOD that night.)

And since I could process ALL that paperwork so effortlessly and with HOURS of excellent CONCENTRATION, I think my few sips of CRAVE were a beyond the beyond the beyond experience. WHAT an investment!

WOW! Well, you can see I am sold on Crave -- one sip did it for me!


Pat Crosby
Diamond Affiliate