Thursday, July 12, 2007

There are two paths to success in network marketing.

1.The school of hard knocks - The path of the grizzly old man. This is where you get in the game, you take action, and you learn and pay for your mistakes from your experience. Not what I would suggest, but it will lead you to where you need to go if you truly desire network marketing success.

2. The shortcut - The path of the entrepreneur. This is where you leverage the experience and the mistakes of those that have come before you. They make the mistakes and you benefit for it. You succeed faster and than the trailblazer, because you don't have to make the same mistakes they did. It all starts with action, that's the key. You take persistent and consistent action towards your goal and as long as you don't stop you WILL get there. The only question is . . . Do you want to get there fast or do you want to get there slow? Stand on my shoulders. Here's your shortcut to internet network marketing success

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