Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Celebrate Freedom - Happy July 4th

Happy 4th of July,
Independence Day!
A time to celebrate freedom and opportunity.
Can you believe we’re now half way through the year?
How is your year stackin’ up?
Are you on track for a better year than last year?
Here’s the great thing - even if you’r not where you want to be right now, you can make some immediate shifts.
To celebrate independence today, I have a simple assignment (probably take less than 4-5 minutes).
One of my mentors got me to think about ‘my time’ differently!
I challenge you to do the same thing. How much time per day are you spending, focused on ‘YOU’? Improving mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, and financially. How much time do you spend really spend building (and planning) your dreams?
I’ve discovered that most people spend more time planning a birthday party than they do in ‘planning and designing’ their life.
And what I’ve found, is that if your life is like a boat without a ‘rudder’, you’ll end up on the rocks. In fact, for most of my early years, my life was ‘on the rocks’.
I kept faith while I did the little things - consistently over time - and my life transformed.
So, here’s what I challenge you to think about today (as you celebrate your
I want you to think about these two things. In our programs, they are part of what we refer to as the ‘Wealth Formula’. The ‘Wealth Formula’ says you want to focus on doing 2 main things:
1. Put yourself in a position to do the work 1 time and get paid over and over again.
2. Put yourself in a position to speak to large groups of people at a time.
I’d love to hear from you!
You probably do something different than the tens of thousands of people who read this. I’d love for you to help other people just like you. It’s your time to speak, inspire and teach.
Tell us how you can do those 2 things starting now…
If you’re not registered, register by hitting the link to the right : “Register”. Once you do. Then hit the comment link below and post your feedback. Then come back and find out what other members have to say!
Celebrate your freedoms today - freedom of speech, freedom of thought, expression!
Do something that will likely teach someone else - post your feedback of how you can put yourself in a position to do the work 1 time and get paid over and over; and speak to large groups of people at a time.
Get the colors out and be creative…
I’m waiting to hear from you.
Happy Independence Day…
Success and Prosperity!

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