Friday, March 30, 2007

The Scence of Getting Rich

Why Does Wealth Lie in the Hands of a Few - While Large Numbers of Humanity Remain in a Perpetual State of Poverty?
Millions of people are already using the Law of Attraction to make their lives successful. It's no longer a secret, but a household term that is rightfully being given the attention it deserves.
You too can learn how to use the "Law of Attraction" to create whatever you want in life - be it money, love or happiness - and generate abundance.
But in this case, and indeed in the book that inspired The Secret, we're going to focus on generating abundance, money and wealth.
Which of course, begs the question...
Why Manifest Money First?
The Law of Attraction as explained in The Secret teaches how you can have, be and do whatever you want in life. So why focus on money?
Money on its own is neither good nor bad. It is a means to an end. However, there is an urgent need for teaching the laws of creating money to the world.
Take any group of 100 people at the start of their working career and follow them for 40 years until they reach retirement age and here's what you'll find, according to the Social Security Administration:
Only 1 will be wealthy
4 will be financially secure
5 will continue working, not because they want to but because they have to
36 will be dead
54 will be dead broke - dependent on the meager Social Security checks, relatives, friends and even charity for a minimum standard of living.
That's 5% successful, 95% unsuccessful.
These, of course, are US statistics. In the rest of the world, especially the developing world, the situation is far worse.
But What Makes this 5% Different?
There are millionaires with college degrees, and millionaires with little education.
There are millionaires who were born rich. And there are millionaires who were once dead-broke and homeless.
There are millionaires in developed countries, but also millionaires in poor nations. There are plumbers who are millionaires, and doctors who starve.
There is no single quality that stands out among the wealthy except ONE...
The Wealthy People in the World Understand and Use the Law of Attraction in their Daily Lives.
The millionaires understand that abundance is there for the taking. It is not a win-lose situation - there is enough for everyone. We can all be rich.
But humanity must learn to harness the correct thought process to attract wealth...

Call it whatever you want.
The Science used by all the wealthy and wise people through centuries of time can be yours.
But first , I want you to answer a question...
How Do YOU Feel About Wealth?
See, it’s just not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless you are rich. In order to unfold the soul and to develop talent, you must have many things to use, and you cannot have these things unless you have money to buy them with.
How do you feel about that statement?
Many people get very uncomfortable when talking about money. Remember that feeling is a conscious awareness of the vibration you’re in. If you’re not comfortable around the idea that you deserve to be rich, it’s because you’re dealing with an idea that is foreign to your conditioned nature … we’re going to help you work through that feeling until it becomes comfortable.
Have you ever noticed that wealthy people are very comfortable talking about money?
Wealthy people know that it requires wealth to do great things. They know that the good you can do without money is confined to your own physical presence in a given place. To extend beyond your physical presence requires money. At some point in their lives, they made the decision to extend beyond their physical boundaries – to increase their service to a larger audience in need of their product or service. And, in so doing, riches invariably came their way.

What we have to get straight in our heads is that owning the money doesn’t mean ANYTHING.It’s the DOING with money that develops us - it’s not in the having. And when you have more, you’re enabled to DO more.
~ Jack Canfield
Are You Attracting or Resisting Wealth from Entering Your Life?
Do You Need The Science of Getting Rich in Your Life?
Try this quick exercise.
Check the Boxes that Apply to You:
I desire more abundance in my life.
I'd like to be earning a far greater income.
I want to provide more for my family.
I sometimes worry about money.
I work hard, but don't see the income I desire.
There are many things in life I want, but cannot afford.
Without my current job, I have no other streams of income.
Now Imagine If...
Imagine if You could then use Your mind to manifest these decisions - without wavering - because it's crystal clear where you need to be and what you need to do.
Imagine if You could Create this Life of Your Dreams.
Imagine thousands of lives benefiting from your new creation - whether it's a book, a work of art, or a business.
Imagine creating jobs, changing lives, creating products that benefit humanity.
Imagine being a shining light - a bringer of wisdom and enlightenment to your community.
How would your family benefit? Whom would you influence? What would you seek to change about this world? How will you be remembered when you pass on? Whom will you teach?
Or the biggest question of all - What will be your mark on humanity?
It's Not Just About Money - It's About Becoming The Real You.
In the video below, Rev. Michael Beckwith Explains How You Can Be of Greater Service to the World Once You Understand The Spiritual Principles in The Science of Getting Rich
The Inspiration for the film - The Secret
The inspiration for the movie came from a simple little book written in 1910. It's called the "Science of Getting Rich" and its author was a man called Wallace D. Wattles.
This is a summary of Wallace's book:
There is a universal energy from which all things are made. This energy fills the entire universe.
When you form a thought in your head, you tap into this energy, and you actually create that which you are thinking about.
Mankind has the ability to create a thought and cause the subject of the thought to be created within this field of Universal Energy.
To activate this ability, we must learn to harness our creative mind. Typically, we function with our competitive mind. But to create things with thought, we need to activate the creative mind.
We can come into harmony with this Universal energy through the act of expressing gratitude. Gratitude unifies our mind with this all encompassing Universal energy.
To manifest something new, simply hold an image of what you seek in your mind. And express gratitude to the Universe for having granted this to you. To achieve wealth, apply this same principle - hold a clear vision of the wealth you hope to attain. Then express gratitude that this wealth is coming to you. You must have unwavering faith and devout gratitude.
All that you include in your mental image will come to you through the physical realm - through the process of natural ways such as trade and commerce.
To claim this wealth, you must be active. You must do all that you can do each day to make this vision a reality. Especially strive to deliver to others something of value greater than what they paid you for.
Those who practice these instructions will get rich. And the riches they receive will be in the exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.
The Power That Lies Within You
Tell me - Who are you. Really?
Peer within yourself and you'll find that you're made of molecules. Peer further and these molecules are made of atoms. Go even further, and the atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons - elementary particles dancing a cosmic dance.
But go one step deeper and now you're no longer matter - but energy.
Everything is made up of this Universal Energy. Including you.
The scientist Steve Grand wrote the following:
Think of an experience from your childhood. Something you remember clearly, something you can see, feel, maybe even smell, as if you were really there. After all, you really were there at the time, weren't you? How else would you remember it?
But here is the bombshell: you weren't there. Not a single atom that is your body today was there when that event took place....Matter flows from place to place and momentarily comes together to be you. Whatever you are, therefore, you are not the stuff of which you are made. If that doesn't make the hair stand at the back of you neck, read it again until it does, because it is important.
You , are energy in physical form. Or, to use a spiritual concept - you are a soul within a physical body - a particle of God.
Forget the religious definition of God for a moment. Think of God as an all encompassing Universal force. The energy that makes up the universe. A rock may look like it's still, but within it are trillions of subatomic particles whizzing about and brimming with energy. The rock is pure energy and movement - it's solidity and stillness are purely an illusion.
If everything is made up of energy, and this energy is what we call God, or Higher Consciousness - then you are part of God. Like every rock, every animal, every tree, every planet spinning around every distant star.

You, too, are pure energy - but with one difference. You are conscious of yourself. This self-awareness, when directed, can allow you to dictate what experiences you choose to bring into your world.
That which you think about, you create. Thoughts are things! And that which you think about, good or bad - you create into your own reality.
We all work with one infinite power. We all guide ourselves by the same law. That one law is the Law of Attraction. That which you think about - you attract into your life.
The law of attraction is always working. You can never escape it. You're attracting everything that comes into your life. When you understand this law - you understand The Secret - and you can now dictate what you choose to come into your life.
We become what we think about!
Now ask yourself... What do you normally think about?
Here lies the problem. Like most people, your dominant thoughts are usually about your daily worries, fears, and what you lack.
The Current Reality Trap
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace says, "You have the natural and inherent power to think what you want to think, but it requires more effort to do so than to think the thoughts that are suggested by appearances."
What Wattles is saying here is that when you think according to what you see around you – the current appearance of things … what you see as your result right now … it's easy to KEEP thinking that way. I mean, how in the world do you expect to get yourself out of this current result – you don’t know HOW it's going to change, so how can you THINK of it actually happening?
It's true - thinking your way out of your CURRENT result does take work. In fact, Wallace Wattles says the same when he writes, "To think TRUTH regardless of appearance is laborious and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work a person has to perform." But the key is - it CAN be done.
As a child you were probably programmed in much the same way as I was.
Although this "programming" started when we were babies, receiving report cards in elementary school is a great example, that's pretty universal to all of us. We were trained to look at the grades on our report card, rather than focus on the image of the grade we desired. We learned to let our results control our thinking instead of the other way around
Think about your debt and that's what you attract - MORE debt. Worry about your health and disease and that's the way you attract - MORE ill health.
See, because our thinking only and always controls our results … we need to be completely focused on – and be thinking about – DIFFERENT results than what we currently HAVE!
It's time to escape the current reality trap and to create your future anew.
Stay tuned for the next lesson . We're in for an exciting journey.
In Lesson 2:
Thoughts Become Things
Accepting Responsibility for Your Current Situation
Getting out of the "Current Reality Trap"
P.S. The Law of Abundance and The Science of Getting Rich taught by the Official Teachers in the film The Secret are taking the world by storm, so if you haven't already got your copy grab it HERE!

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© Todd Thompson 2007. All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


This is super training and development stuff for serious guys and girls only..because..It will take you deeper into the color to success than ever dreamed possible! Nail your prospect's sweet spot. learn the personality types.
Good news Before learning the personality types, I had a difficult time talking to prospesct. I know of no other subject that when used correctly can have such a positive inpact on how to talk to prospects.
Network marketing can be frustrating without training and development. Sometimes I felt no control. But when you build relationships, it changes. You can succeed with any network marketing company.
See what Laura Lewandowski has to say about learning about personality types:
Michael Dlough training and development helps with personal relationships. Color To Success is incredible. I learned Myers-Brigg personality-typing in school and all through my career. You learn about personality traits, your best career choice, and how to relate to people. But it was confusing. Michael's training gives you step-by-step how to relate to people. It changed my relationship with my husband. We laugh now, but we had issues. He's so Green. I'm so Blue. When we realized it's just our personalities, the tension melted.
What kind of price tag can you put on THAT? It's about becoming a better person and developing as a leader. Some people think leaders are just for business or industry. But a leader attracts people. To do that, you have to walk in their shoes, understand them. Color To Success helps a lot. It's a good foundation.
You learn how other people perceive what you say, and how you should talk to them, based on their personality. I've always asked a lot of questions. But it wasn't until the Colors training that I started to ask the RIGHT questions to understand them as a person.
So now, I LOVE to listen to see what I can find out about them, what's important to them. I'm WAY different than when I first met Michael."

Laura Lewandowski Missourget

Even better

The biggest change in Network Marketing is this: to spot these personalities, you must LISTEN to people! And wonderful things seem to happen when you acturally listen. When you listen to people and truly understand their personality, one has the ability to help inspire them to greatness. This is done though training and development.
The rewards for the ones who have learned the personality types have been more than financial. The biggest reward for me was learning that network marketing is not a sales business. It is a teaching & mentoring business.

Think about it

With a unique and insightful style, Michael Dlough identifies four primary personality profiles using colors to describe them. Go ahead, take the test, and discover your true color, find out what makes you (and others) tick. Gain insight into your own primary motivations, identify and develop your natural strengths and transform your weaknesses, improve your relationships with yourself and with others, read other people more easily and accurately, and enhance your business performance. The Color to success will, quite simply, with training and development make a difference.



Sunday, March 11, 2007




"People generally say I'm pretty sane for a 68-year-old but then all of a sudden I got an urge to create this Online Training, website.

I got mad because, just like you, I'm so darn sick and tired of being lied to by the people in NetworkMarketing. The heavy hitters tell you network marketing is a sales business. It's Not. Truth: Network marketing is a teaching and mentoring business. Your product is people. So study peOple find out how you can help them reach their dreams, with Online Training.

Why am I doing this? Mainly because I have found a system that works and I want to share it with you.

I have a mentor Michael Dlough, MentoringFor Free MLM Success Stories with 26 years in the business of Online Training, who is willing to train you and me the right way to be successful in Network Marketing.

I will help you do the same. Secondly, I'm doing it simply because I want to and just because I can.

We have something VERY unique to offer. I firmly believe VERY STRONGLY people can be WILDLY successful in Network Marketing.




Bodil Toennevold.
I`m living in Norway, but yet running a home based business together with Rex and some other peoples from different countries in the world.
I have been interested in the Network Marketing industry for some years now.
The first years I failed many times. But even I failed I believed that there had to be a way to build a Network Marketing home business with success.
I was searching the inter net, and after many months I got in contact with my Norwegian sponsor and my up liners from US, which had a very good company and business opportunity to offer me. And I did start a business together with them.
I also found the Mentoring for Free Team. They teach me network marketing in a way I never had seen before! A friendly way where I didn't have to sell. I didn't have to ask my friends to join my business either!!
What I later got to know was that Michael Dloughy in Mentoring for Free had learned from the owner of the company I and Rex are working together in how to build a business with the Methodism he teaches people in Mentoring for free!
So I think; Rex and I have found the key to success, I am sure!
We have both a company and a Mentoring Team doing it the same way.

I know Rex want to help you even you do not joining his business opportunity. He is a very friendly and good thinking man. But if you also are looking for a good and honest business opportunity, or have been struggling a long time with that one you are in now, do ask him about what he are doing. I`m sure you will be interested to look closer to it.

Bodil Toennevold


I am: Empathetic, Good listeners, Sympathetic to the problems of Network Marketing, Provider of opinions and ideas, Experienced in Network Marketing, Willing and able to offer my time and skills voluntarily for the benefit of online training you for a leader.


I choose to support you with every fiber of my body as you invests in your hopes, dreams & life into this industry. It makes my day to help you keep those spark alive.We will online train you for free. No strings.

I am not threatened by anyone or any company in this industry.But I do understand that they are threatened by Mentoring forFree.

Most STILL don't take the time and make the commitment to train their own people.

We help you develop confidence in yourself and the skills needed to succeed in Network Marketing.

We will help you STIMULATE the ability to identify accurately what it is you really hunger for AND WE CHALLENGE you to focus on YOUR CORE DESIRE.



.Monday thu Thursday evening conference calls. .Your live leads are called by you and me. .Saturday evenings coaches corner mastermind call.


.how to build your lead list without purchasing leads. .how to spot a person's personality type.

.how to build a relationship. .how to evaluate and compare companies compersanion plans.

.We do not sell or promote any company on these calls.


My main goal is to help YOU, just as Michael Dlouhy is helping me. If I can do that, I'll be happy. Who knows? Maybe someday, you & I WILL wind up working together.


Online Training Expert Michael Dlouhy Created the Technologies We Teach

Friday, March 2, 2007


Welcome to the leading daily training.

Here's your chance to get the an incredible training opportunity that is changing the lives of thousands of people around the world.People who wanted to improve their lives, make more money and have the time to enjoy it.

But,just wishing for a better life does not work. You will have to get out of your comfort zone to change your life. You must decide to take action and do it.So Wake Up!

You either believe in free enterprise or you work for someone else who does.
YOU have The Freedom to Live. It’s not about money; it’s about freedom. Free from hunger and want, free to succeed, free to achieve, free to climb as high as your abilities will take you.

There is so much out there in life to explore, experience and enjoy. With freedom, you can live the way you have always wanted.

But it isn’t about the money. Money is a means to an end. It’s about freedom. The freedom to spend time with the people you love, the freedom to give your children the best, the freedom to help others and to be there for life’s most important moments.

That’s the kind of freedom this opportunity offers. It can set one free from the clock, free from the nine-to-five grind—free to make a life, not a living. Finding Someone Who Has Already "Been There, Done That" Who Will Lead You By The Hand Every Step Of The Way!US!

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