Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Your Thanksgiving Assignments

Happy Thanksgiving!

"It's not what we have,
but what we enjoy,
that constitutes our abundance."
- - J Petit-Senn
It's nice to be one of the very few newsletters that has
it's own national holiday! And in two countries, since
both Canada and the USA celebrate Thanksgiving. It's
a reminder of how important gratitude is to both national
and personal happiness and prosperity.
So here's your Thanksgiving assignments, if you choose
to accept them. First, the easy one. Write out a list of
everything and everyone that you are grateful for in the
past year. Really feel the appreciation. Science continues
to prove over and over that appreciation creates amazing
health in the body and mind.
Second, write out a list of all the people and things from
the year that you are NOT grateful for, and find something
about them to appreciate. Why, you ask? Because we
know that resentment is poisonous! Clean it out and
replace it with appreciation. Your body will thank you.
Third, if you're going to a big Thanksgiving feast with your
family, with all the chaos and stress and family issues
that sometimes arise, try a new approach. Mentally
step back from the commotion, take deep centering
breaths, and love each person just as they are. Don't
judge them or try to change them, just love them.
Your family may wonder what happened to you, but
just smile. Trust me, I've tried this and it works!
Thank you, each one of you, for another year with me
and this newsletter. I love and appreciate you all
very much!
In gratitude,

I would like you to have this free ebook Rex
Gratitude Audio
Did you know you can get "The Astonishing
Power of Gratitude" as an audio program?
Pop it in your CD player to and from work and
watch your attitude change. Less stress, more
good things for you. It makes a great Christmas
present, if I do say so myself. Get it here

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