Thursday, November 15, 2007

[VITAMARK] Everyone is talking about Crave.

Expected delivery of Crave: Approximately 4 - 5 weeks
(Based upon manufacturing estimates as of 11/7/07)

Everyone is talking about Crave.

Office workers, athletes, truck drivers, cab drivers, shift workers, students.

Yesterday one college student admitted to drinking 6 energy drinks a day!

Now, that is the exception we hope, but think about it. How much money was that college student spending on energy drinks every day?

There appears to be something magical about energy drinks. Everyone wants them, everyone wants to try a new energy drink. It is the easiest way of prospecting to build your Vitamark group. Prospects literally volunteer their contact details just to get a sample.

Between now and your first shipment of Crave Energy Drink™, use the time productively in accumulating prospects who want to try a new energy drink. You will have a ready list of people looking for a better drink, with better energy, and with better flavor.

And check out the Crave science web site at

More production updates shortly.

Get your free web site today:

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