Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our Vitamark Story by Paul & Anne Sorgi

We asked New Diamond Paul & Anne Sorgi to tell us how they built successful Vitamark business.

Here is their storie:

Persistence, it’s the one word that can describe my Success Story. As Art Jonak says so often: "Just be here one year from now". Thinking back to when I started looking to create an additional income takes me back to my teenage years. I always dreamed of building an empire that would pay my children's children. What was missing for almost 20 years was a plan. The statement:“Failing to plan is planning to fail”describes that time period in my life.

Overcoming Obstacles

In 2003 I decided to see what all the fuss was about making millions on the internet. I watched a few informercials and got a few websites out of the opportunity section of some magazines and I was off on my journey to discover the end of the internet!

Everything I looked at made my stomach crawl. Nothing seemed legit or legal. I finally came across a free program and I spent 6 months being frustrated. In those 6 months I had no contact, other than emails, with any of my upline. I finally headed back out on to the internet to find a new opportunity. I spent almost 2 years with my next adventure. I had an awesome direct upline that had joined 1 month before me and we clicked right away. There would still be many hurdles for us to jump over.

I was constantly scratching my head trying to figure out why the the upline was so diligent in making it so difficult for us. They constantly held back information, they played the favorites game, they played people off of each other and they manipulated downlines. But, my team was growing and the money was trickling in. It was then that I was given an ebook called Success In 10 Steps, from a friend. It had two nice looking people on the cover and I just put it aside. I had no time for another ebook.

I made a decision to to take my business to the next level and attended that company’s convention. While I enjoyed the company of some friends it was all hype. Three days of prancing people across the stage and a lot of jumping up and down. When I got home I felt lost, like I had wasted 2 years of my life. I felt I had let my family down because I knew that I was not going to build anything that could last with this company. For some reason I opened the ebook: Success In 10 Steps.

A New Opportunity

When I started reading it I could not put it down. I read the whole thing and immediately called Judith May for training calls. After being beaten up and kicked around I was skeptical and listened for 3 months before calling Judith back and asking her if I could be a part of her team. That was November 2005.

It was all coming together, I had found a caring team, the leadership one needs to have when starting. I had a proven duplicatable system to build my business and with it I sponsored a few who have sponsored a few, and so on, and so on. I have the support of a dynamic team in Success Team Builders, with people who share information and offer guidance. Without people like Judith and Kevin May, Michael and Linda Dlouhy, Art and Ann Jonak, the path I followed would not have been possible. Anne and I thank them from the bottom of our hearts!

Following Great Leaders has not only given me a path to follow but a path to show others to follow. Nobody can do it alone. I have a great organization and want to thank everyone of them for their persistence and dedication to their business. With out people like Vlasta Fryzova, Joyce Penner, Penny Dude, and Cindy Loewen, achieving Diamond could not have happened.

Building It Together

The one person who has the greatest effect on me is my lovely wife, Anne. Up until Convention 2007 she always supported me, but, didn't have the belief in MLM companies. We attended the convention and met many wonderful people. We met the wonderful families the Schreiters, Bertrands, Mitchams and Trahans who make Vitamark the awesome family oriented company that we now call home! We Crossed the Line. TOGETHER we achieved Diamond!

Achieving Diamond is not the end of our journey it is just the beginning. With great products such as Limu Plus, Vita-One and our Enzymes that change peoples lives, I can only envision building it once, building it big and having it pay my children's children! We have found a home!

Thank you Vitamark,

Paul & Anne Sorgi
Diamond Affiliates

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