Monday, August 20, 2007

Marketing Mentor Tip

Being Realistic: We all love a good gimmick, but a gimmick is something that really never pans out. MPM is not a gimmick, it's a business. So the first thing you need to do is to drill it into your mind; then push it down into your heart that MPM is not a get rich scheme.

The only way to succeed in business is to:

1. Take the first step and sign up (Great, you've already done 30% of the work and accomplished this.) The next thing to do is to:

2. Make a 12 month calendar with every day (including weekends) having an action item of at least One Hour for MPM every day. This can be passing out flyers, talking to prospects, or a million other things that we will touch on in future articles.

3. Be real with who you speak; most people can see through a lie. If someone asks how much money you are making, tell them that you are just getting started but that the business aspect of MPM is FREE to join, and very easy to learn. Then tell them that you will help them every step of the way.

As the MPM Marketing Mentor, I see a lot of positive comments pass by my desk each day, but we also see those that get discouraged. For those in leadership positions, contact your down lines and help them out as much as possible. For those of you discouraged, focus on MPM as a hobby or as something extra to do every day for a minimum of an HOUR or so. In time, your down line will grow (not over night), and once it starts you'll see why it paid off not to quit.

There is one SECRET on why 80% of people fail with Internet Businesses. Are you ready for the SECRET? Survey after survey points to the simple fact that people want instant gratification, instant wealth, to be instantly debt free; if you expect MPM to solve those UN-REALISTIC situations, then I suggest you don't get involved with any Internet Business.

You will only succeed with an Internet Business if you stay committed to ONE business, and focus on it a minimum of ONE HOUR per day for at least ONE YEAR. If by one year you haven't' seen results, then it's time to look for another business more in line with your business personality.

Put on a Realistic Mentality and make your mind focus on the MPM business like a Laser beam on its target. With a positive attitude like that, nothing will get in your way.

Stay Tuned to more Marketing Mentor News.

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