Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here's How You Know You're On The Right Track . . .

Amazing to me that in just a few short years a person can
earn more in a month than they can in a year building
someone else's dream.

I wouldn't personally believe it if it wasn't the true
reality of my life, and now more than ever from just
retracing my own personal steps I know it takes nothing more
than a personal dream and the bull headedness to keep at
until it's the life you live.

It's a strange feeling when you wake up and have no one to
answer to but yourself, your family, and the life purpose
you serve.

Strange, but from the bottom of my heart it's the best
feeling in the world, and I hope with every intention in my
body that you one day too wake up that one fateful morning
not too long off and feel the same thing.

Here is how you know you're on the right path.

It's the smaller things that happen as you ascend the
mountain to your personal version of freedom and
independence that mean to most.

All positive, but to some eyes, may not seem so.

Today I got an email from a new member of my team that
decided to bow out.

Not a bummer, but a true pillar and example of walking the
right path because I didn't ask for the email.

This great man decided to let me know he was bowing out
because of circumstances in his life.

I respect him greatly for his email and understand his

He took it upon himself to let me know why - a lesser man
would have simply vanished.

His decision to write me shows me the great respect that we
share for each other.

Above all else I know that if I continue to build a team of
people with like minded individual regardless of what
happens the RIGHT things are being done and the RIGHT result
will find a way to manifest.

It's not just bringing people in - it's bringing them in and
giving them the tools, mindset, and confidence to forge

I know from the tone and message of his email he gained this
from our time together.

Another occurrence today that showed me I'm on the right path
was that I checked my name in Google and noticed that there
were a few people trying their darndest to slander me.

A few I had worked with in the past and done so profitable
from their perspective, yet they chose to attack me.

Ohh well . . .

I personally don't understand the attempt to strike fear in
man's heart through PPC, but to each his own right?


From my perspective, anytime a person takes time out of
there day to do such a thing they both fear something about
you and what you do and have no other recourse.

I wish them best of luck, but to me it shows me I'm doing
something right.

I've earned a place in these marketers mind enough for them
to take real physical action.

For what intent I don't know, but they took notice and this
shows me I must be doing something right.

In another persons mind both of these daily occurrences
could be viewed negatively, but to me and to you it means
we're on the right track.

Bring it on baby!

The lesson is this . . .

It's not going to be all rosy all the time. THEY will try to
bring you down, but thank them for strengthening your
resolve and forge ahead.

Do the best you can for as many as you can and take note of
little things that show you you're on the right track.

To the top,


P.S. What if you could literally recruit people and share
your vision of a better future without having to face the
rejection of those not on your wavelength? What if you could
only grow your business with the RIGHT people? How much
time, energy, effort, money and frustration would you save
by growing your MLM business the fast, cheaper, easier, more
profitable way? Do the math and when you're ready go here
now for your personal blueprint to internet network
marketing success:

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