Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bad Luck Good Luck:

Some individuals contact us stating that they have Bad Luck and haven't been able to recruit a single member; they have done everything correctly but no one shows up. Then comes the comment "Maybe I just have BAD LUCK".

Of course we also here the flip side of this, and are left in amazement when we get a member saying "I've only been in MPM a little over a month, and already have over 200 members signed up." Of course these folks always say "I must have GOOD LUCK".

Both individuals are wrong. Good and Bad events for the most part (80%) of the time occur because of the actions, words, skills and or people we know. Sometimes we are not aware of our actions, and or words, and as such, we sit back and wonder "I must have bad luck".

Instead, always analyze yourself and your presentation. If you spoke to someone in person, did you tell them about MPM with an unsure tone? Or perhaps you spoke to someone that knows you are struggling financially.

Years ago, our American society was such, that when an individual went to an Interview for a job, he or she took time getting cleaned up, they would put on a nice dress or suit, comb their hair and practice the Interview (for a job or a date) in front of the mirror for hours if not days.

When these type of people finally got in front of a (potential date, or an interviewer) there was nothing outwardly negative for the other person to comment on.

Move forward to our current date. We now have movie stars going on talk shows and almost everyone else, dressed as if they were poor. Ripped jeans, tennis shoes, messed up hair, and an off guarded language (lose tongue) .

If you want "Good Luck", then let's first change that phrase to "Good Blessings" - the difference is that blessings are usually given to you when you deserve them.

Next, "clean yourself up" and not just outwardly, but inwardly. The best qualities in a personal and or business life are: Love (for self and others - including your work), Respect, Honesty and Integrity.

OK, I know what you’re saying. "I'm always presentable, I'm always polite, and I've already taken a shower. Still nothing is working, please help".

If that's the case, then remember "No one man or woman is an Island unto themselves." You might not be a good marketer, but someone else is. "Ask and the doors shall be opened unto you". Ask a friend, or a relative or a perfect stranger for their help, or PARTNER with them. Go on forums and look for those proclaiming how good they are.

When you find someone who already has a lot of subscribed members, or someone proclaiming how good they are, then simply ask them for their guidance. DO NOT BE SHY, especially when dealing with people over eMail.

Here's a true and personal story: One of the things that my personal company, not MPM does, is offering financial classes to High School Seniors and to all adults alike. The software we use to analyze stocks and various other commodities costs thousands of dollars every year.

The problem is that we also run an outreach ministry and every dollar we spend on software usually prevents us from some outreach program for children.

I simply wrote an email asking the software company to provide me with a donated copy of their subscription ($5k per year). I honestly didn't expect the letter to have been read, and definitely didn't expect a positive outcome, BUT I ASKED.

Today we run our software year in and year out for free. The CEO of the company gave us a lifetime free membership, with access to all future updates.

If given the chance, good people will step forward. Those that don't step forward are not the people that you would want educating you anyway.

If at all possible "Pray"; Please place someone in my path to enlighten me with my businesses and with my personal life.

We'll see you next time.

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