Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Four "Proper P's" for $ucce$$ in Network Marketing

The four "Proper P's" are an integral part of creating $ucce$$ in your MLM business.
If you master them, you can create any amount of income you desire.
They must ALL be done simultaneously and they must be done well.
If any "P" is left out, the results will be mediocre at best.
More than likely, failure will result.
The First "Proper P" is Proper Perspective.
To make money in network marketing you must have or acquire the Proper Perspective about several things. Here is a list of the more important ones:
· Network marketing is a great business that provides a way to generate more income per dollar and per hour invested than any other business out there.
It is here to stay - and anyone who says otherwise to these statements is ignorant of the facts.
· You are in this business to make money from a successful Downline. That is simply a fact and perfectly acceptable. You are not to run your business as a not-for-profit charity designed to "help" everyone with whatever your products do. That is just one of the parts of your business.
To create serious income, your main job must be to create a distribution force to help you move and sell products that you love and believe in to the world.
You can't move enough volume by yourself to earn a big income, so you need to enlist the help of others to help you do that. And you will see that they are paid very well (by the company, because they are independent distributors qualified to receive cheques from the company).
· The secret to making money in network marketing is having the ability to build an organization of people who are doing three things:
1) Using the products
2) Retailing the products
3) Building a Downline organization of people doing 1 and 2.
· Loving the products and being able to share their benefits is not the way to wealth in network marketing. It is only part of it.
· You must be confident and believe that you are worth listening to about the business as well as the products.
· It does not take a cheque from the company to give you credibility about the opportunity - even if you have been in the business for several years and don't have a great track record - yet.
· You do not have to experience every benefit a product can provide before you can confidently talk about the business and products. (I have never had PMS or migraine headaches but I could certainly, with total confidence, present products that could help with those things. Same with the income side of your business)
· You don't need to be a nutritionist or heath expert to make money in network marketing.
· There is no "easy way" to do network marketing. It is hard work and takes certain skills that you must have already or acquire.
· Network marketing takes a lot of time and some money on a steady basis.
· Your Upline is not the reason you will be successful. Their job is to find you and shorten your learning curve. The rest is up to you.
· You are an Independent distributor. Too many people are dependent non-distributors. Basically, they are happy users of products and become professional meeting attendees, neither of which generates much, if any, income
- let alone large cheques.
The Second "Proper P" is Proper Prospecting. Not just yours, but your new distributors' as well. When a new distributor signs up (assuming they are interested in making money), you should include in their purchase of products the prospecting tools they need to successfully interest all their warm market and those they will contact in the future. You want them to begin prospecting immediately. Why? That's where the money is for them and for you.
The Third "Proper P" is Proper Presentation. You must find out what your prospects' Core Desires are and show them how your company and products can give them those things. You must come across confident and excited about the future you and they can have if they participate with you. Always dress and look sharp.
The Fourth "Proper P" is Persistence. You must be willing do whatever it takes -
for as long as it takes - or you may give up too soon. This kind of persistence is automatic only IF what you're persisting in is a Core Desire. This perspective about persistence needs to be taught to and instilled in your brand new distributor from day one. So many people give up before they learn how to be successful. The failures and challenges that are inherent in network marketing cause them to get discouraged, so they back off, slow down and quit.
John Taylor, a religious leader of one of the largest churches in the world, said this about persistence: "That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do. Not that the nature of the thing has changed, but that our ability to do it has increased."
I add to that - this can be a very short learning curve if it is something you really want with all your heart and you find a mentor to teach you.
Use these four "Proper P's" as your guide from now on and teach them to your organization you will experience the joy of a $ucce$$ful network marketing distributorship.

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