Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What This Business Is All About.

I got an email from someone today. I don't know where they got my address, probabaly off some list they purchased. But the person starts in on how their business opportunity is the "Best". In fact they're so sure of it, they say they'll join someone else's business if it can be shown to be better.

If I had a nickel for everytime I got that one. But here's the thing. I don't know these people from Adam. With that in mind, how far do you think I can trust them? And being put on the spot like that really doesn't give me too many warm feelings about them. Know, Like & Trust.

People join people.

Sure there are tons of company's out there with great products. But ultimately, people join you because of the relationship you have with them. The person that sponsored me built that relationship. She gained my trust as I began to get to know her and I like doing business with people like that. I believe the majority of people in this world like it that way.

So keep this in mind when you're out looking for prospects. It's not about you and your wonderful company. It's about them and thier needs. He that can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.

For more information about building your business the right way, download "Success in 10 Steps" by Micheal Dlouhy here.

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