Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eight Years of Silence

Little James Earl was scared. His early years in Mississippi had meant no father because he had left his family to become a prize fighter, and then an actor. It also meant no mother because she had left her son to earn money as a tailor. The Great Depression had stolen his family and now he was about to lose the only life he had known.

His grandparents adopted him and moved north to Michigan. Though his life in Mississippi had been one of abandonment it was all 5 year old James Earl had ever known. The move so traumatized him he developed a stutter.

His first day of school was disaster. His stuttering made his classmates laugh at him. It was the final straw for a frightened little boy. He closed his mouth and simply quit talking. For eight years…

James Earl was completely mute – with the exception of conversations he would have with himself when he was all alone. He found solace in the written word – creating poetry to release the raging in his soul.

As is often the case, one person who saw beyond his limitations, released James Earl from his self-imposed prison. That one person was an English teacher who saw talent in the silent 13 year old. She pushed him beyond his fear by forcing him into public speaking – insisting he recite a poem in front of the class every day.

Can’t you imagine his terror when he first stood in front of his class? What made him do it? Was it only the teacher’s insistence? No. It was a deep desire to break free from his prison and speak all the things that had sat silently in his heart during all those years of silence. He chose to feel the fear – and then do it anyway!

He stuttered. He stammered. He endured the sympathetic and scornful looks of fellow students. He endured the laughing. But he did it. He faced the fear and made himself speak. Day after day. He hung on to the encouragement of the teacher who believed in him. And it worked. His stuttering became less. He learned to control his voice.

His victories made him look for more challenges. James Earl began to take acting lessons. His early lessons in perseverance gave him the courage to push beyond the prejudices against black actors. He chose to take as many different types of roles as he could – stretching his limitations and refusing to be pigeon-holed with any stereotypes.

James Earl Jones is now known for his deep authoritative voice. Perhaps you know him as the voice for Star Wars’ Darth Vader. Or as Mufasa in the Lion King. You see him almost daily on commercials. He has starred on Broadway and been in many movies. He has been laden with Tony, Emmy and Obie Awards.

People look at him today and see a confident actor with a deep authoritative voice. The next time you see him I want you to look deeper…

James Earl Jones great secret of success is that he chose to push beyond his fears. He chose to change the reality of a young boy who had lived in silence for 8 years. He chose to face ridicule and scorn in order to be free. I can only imagine how many years passed before he could open his mouth without being afraid of what would come out.

His great success secret? He chose to FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY!

So many of us let our fears stop us. We’re afraid of how we will appear. We’re afraid of what people will think. We’re afraid we’ll fail. And so… we do nothing. We exchange fear for regrets.

Fear will pass. Fear can be conquered. Fear will fade away in the face of determined action.

Regrets, you live with for the rest of your life.

What are you afraid of? Choose to face your fear. What action can you take today to conquer your fear? Tomorrow?

Your life is whatever you decide to make it. You can choose to never live with regrets!


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