Monday, January 7, 2008

A Crave Testimonial Extravaganza! JANUARY 4TH 2008

I am so excited to get my first order of Crave Energy Drink. I had been calling the post office everyday to see if it had arrived. I went last night to pick up my daughter's passport and tried again. The girl at the counter said "so it is you that has been calling everyday for the past week". I said "Yes it is, I am so excited." She said "Penny it is here!" Well, I can not tell you the excitement that I was feeling and trying not to jump up and down or freak out.
I took the parcel home trying not to open it because I had made a promise to myself that I would not open it till everyone was there and we opened it together. So my family knew it was the Crave and they kept saying why are you not opening it and I said well, we need to video the opening. Plus, I wanted to try it when we opened it. It is too late to take Crave from what I had heard. It was 9:15 PM and I did not want to be up all night. Anyways, they talked me into it and wow we all tried it.
The box is very appealing and the packets are so small and just really all of it catches your eye. I love the taste it is like Kool-Aid and it was a refreshing taste. Needless to say it was so good, two of us drank another one so we could see if it really worked. Well, I think we finally got to sleep around 4 AM or later and then went to a deep sleep. I was late for work this morning and tired, so took another Crave when I came to work. It woke me up!
Today is Friday and I usually go to Cycle fit at noon to make sure I get my exercise in. With my busy schedule I jump on every chance I can to get to the gym. Today was very special since I had Crave with me at work. (It displays very well on my desk!) I try to do Cycle fit about 4-5 times a week and some weeks it does not happen. I have only gone a couple times in the past two weeks due to Christmas so I thought, I am going to be wiped more than usual. I took another Crave during the class and made sure I finished in the first 5 minutes. My usual feelings are 10-15 minutes into the class I am wondering, why I am doing this and I am exhausted. Not today! Even after class I am usually starving and ready to drop when I get back in the car. Around 2 PM I am ready for a coffee because I am falling asleep at my desk. Today, I feel like a million bucks and could keep going. I am so excited! I did not get any crashes, headaches or jitters.
This is amazing! I can't wait to do more testing. But I wanted to share what I have felt so far with not even having it for 24 hours yet.
Thank You Vitamark ! I love Crave Energy!
Penny Dude

Crave Audio

Free web site

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