Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Vitamark Success Story

New Diamond Marsha Griggs tells us how she's building a growing Vitamark business and what success really means to her.¨

Raymond and I have been with Vitamark since day one. I had always heard it said that there will be that one function that clicks, that makes the light come on, that one function that gets the business from your head to your heart. Well, Convention 2007 was that function for me.Â

The funny thing is, I almost did not go. Just before Convention, I had taken on a new client in my traditional business and thought I was too busy to go to Convention. But, I had made the commitment to my upline and downline and was driving one of the cars, so I went.

I don't know what there was about this particular function that was so 
special that it made me look at everything in a different light, but evidently there was something. I just kept seeing these people on stage 
that were really no different than me, so why were they up there and I was sitting in the audience. Then I realized it all boils down to commitment.

They were committed and I wasn't! So half way through that function, I wrote out my goal to be Diamond by December 30, 2007 and gave a copy to Fran Flanders, my upline Diamond and to Kimberr Jarvis.

On the way home I realized that if I didn't go home and get right on making Diamond, I probably wouldn't do it at all, because as someone said on stage at Convention, "Life moved in." Life has a way of sucking all the air from your sails and the commitment from your goals.

We got back from Convention on Sunday, Sept. 2 and I set the week of September 9-15 as my Diamond week. It wasn't an easy week, but it worth the effort.

Not only did I make Diamond that week, but it sparked a new life in my group. People who hadn't done anything for months or even years, stepped up to the plate and committed to help.

Going Diamond was a team effort, from Doug and Kimberr, who kept me on track and gave lots of good advice and support, Ron and Fran Flanders who were there to help in every way possible. Jim and Carol McKenzie, who are always there for help and support.

Now, my commitment to my group is to help each and every one of my group to reach the Diamond level. Also, Sept 12 was by 60th birthday, so I got a "diamond" for my birthday."

Having said that, I need to give the glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who tells us that we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.

Marsha Griggs
Diamond Affiliate


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