Monday, September 10, 2007

How to pick the WRONG business . . .

Forget cold calling leads, forget those $20 commission
checks for months of effort, forget chasing down dead beat
leads, instead . . . unlock the secret to turning everything
in your business in YOUR favor and have endless streams of
leads chasing you for a change, have people effortless join
your business without you picking up the phone, and create
income regardless of whether or not THEY join. That's the
next generation of network marketing and here's you're key:

One thing that is 100% in your control as a network marketer
is the company you choose, but many don't take full
advantage of this fact.

Most network marketers tend to choose the business that
"looks" like it's going to make them the easiest and
quickest money and for many this is a major downfall.

I fell victim to this myself. We tend to go where the buzz in
the industry is and take action on joining a company before
we really think the situation through. We're excited, the
business looks exciting, and in an emotionally heightened
state we jump in.

Or we look for the "person" that's going to make us all the
money. The sponsor with what we think to have the best

Making a decision based on either of the above criteria is
natural, but not always in your best interest long term.

We want to go to where the success seems to be, and we think
in jumping on at the launch or finding the guy that knows it
all is going to spell out success in our future.

But is this really where our own personal success resides?

Most don't ask themselves "What type of network marketing
business am I best suited for?" before they get started and
because of this many end up, a few months down the road, not
exactly where they'd like to be.


Because most don't think about really doing an in depth
study of what network marketing is and what variations
exist and best suit them, and because of this they never
factor these points into their final decision.

I remember when I got started with my first company, I had
purchased a course on network marketing and literally ate
every word the author spoke about the "way" he was doing

So much so that after listening to the course about 30 or so
time I just picked up the phone and called the author and
said "Whatever company you're in I want to be a part of."

He happily obliged and six months later I had lost a bunch
of moolah following my idle.

I didn't realize it then, but now I understand that in order
to succeed in this game you have to see exactly where you
want to be, not so much exactly who is going to get you

But rather the type of company that you most identify with,
the type of marketing system best suited to you, the type of
compensation plan that offers you a level of stability and
reward for your efforts that you are comfortable with.

It takes a certain amount of foundational knowledge about
network marketing to even approach answering these
questions, and most get it through experiencing what they
don't like through a failed first attempt.

This can be avaioded with a little prior research.

It wasn't until I was unhappy with my current situation in
my first company that I actually started doing some real
research on the topic of network marketing and on the topic
of marketing.

Once I knew what I wanted it was much easier to find the
business that fit my ideal.

The first go around I tried to fit my ideal of network
marketing INTO the business I was already trying to run.

I started to see things that I wanted to do in my business
that just weren't possible so I sat there in an
uncomfortable state of trying to figure out how to turn my
current business into the one I really wanted.

It never happened.

What happened was I quit the first business and found the
second business that WAS my ideal.

So if you're not happy with your situation, if you're just
getting started, or you don't feel that you fit your
business take some time to really sit back to study what
network marketing is.

Then find the flavor that fits you and your unique tastes
and you'll find you've put yourself in the RIGHT vehicle for
your success.

To the top,

Daegan Smith

P.S. Forget cold calling leads, forget those $20 commission
checks for months of effort, forget chasing down dead beat
leads, instead . . . unlock the secret to turning everything
in your business in YOUR favor and have endless streams of
leads chasing you for a change, have people effortless join
your business without you picking up the phone, and create
income regardless of whether or not THEY join. That's the
next generation of network marketing and here's you're key:

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