Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Beware the j.o.b. and it's not what you think . . .

This is NOT another message about what makes network
marketing so great. It's not about how the everyday average
ex bike courier with asthma can start a business before going
to work and a few years later be financial independent due
to network marketing and the internet.

You already know that. This message is about something much
more subtle and it's probably at work negatively effecting
your business right now and you don't even know it.

It's this . . .

Most network marketers tend to take the j.o.b. mentality to
their business and it kills everything dead.

You have a split second of thinking like an entrepreneur,
just long enough to join, and then you slip back into the
job comfort zone. You look for someone to GIVE you a task to
do that they say will grow your business.

Dangerous at the least, but more than that it's lazy.

In the job you get paid for hours worked and so you tend to
log the amount of time you put into your business
correlating it to the amount you should be earning which is

This is a lazy and a weak path of thinking when it comes to
your business because it's not about hours logged it's about
how effectively you use the time you do work.

Why should you work 10 hours when 1 get's the job done?

To be busy for the sake of being busy is an old hold over
habit from the job. You can quickly fool yourself into
thinking you're getting somewhere in your business by looking
at the hours logged, when really you're doing nothing but
busy work for the sake of doing busy work.

Not lazy in the sense of action, but lazy in the mind is
what I'm talking about here. To do things just to do them
because they make you FEEL like you're getting somewhere is
not going to get you anywhere.

I promise. I tried.

Businesses don't work like this, but before I belabor that
point I want to tell you a misconception I had about network
marketing that I've never seen anyone speak to or about.

A change in perspective that is priceless if understood.

Most get into network marketing for the dream of money and
time freedom. They hold, and I held this belief as well,
that at some point they can just quit and retire.

That's why they got into the business anyways right?


Again another hold over mental habit from the job . . .

Retiring is a work related concept that is built on the idea
that you're spend most of your time doing something you
don't want to be doing and if you just save up enough you'll
be able to free yourself from that boring and uninteresting

Well, if you carry this idea over to your network marketing
business, and I did for a while, you start to think about
your network marketing business like a job in the deepest

Sure there are tasks to be done, but it ain't a job for

What's wrong with carrying this into your network marketing
business is that in holding this notion the very essence of
what your doing in your business is aimed at trying to get
OUT of the business eventually because it's NOT what you
want to be doing.

Do you both see how subtle and how destructive this can be
for you and the long term survival of your business?

You thinking in a framework of going from a job you don't
want and want freedom from to a business you don't
necessarily want and want freedom from is not solving the

You're always trying to escape your current situation.

That's not where success lives. It lives in the place where
you love what you do and don't count down the days until you
can quit. It lives in the place where you're your moving
towards the thing you do, not constantly trying to escape

This took me a while to see in myself and maybe it's a
thought enough for pause in you.

Do you see yourself in your business 10 years from now,
loving every minute of it because it doesn't hold you back
it breaths life into your days instead of taking your breath

I do.

Why? My business takes very little active time, I can go
away for a while and relax, the money keeps flowing
regardless and every action I take in my business is doing
something I love to do and brings results without limits
(except my own of course).

Pull yourself away from doing drudging work and put
yourself into a situation where you love sitting right in
the thick of it and that my friend is where you will find
your greatest success, not only in business, but in life.

The internet has been the most valuable tool to allow me to
sit in such a position, a position where money, leads, and
recruits flow in abundance, a position filled with exciting,
unlimited, and fun possibilities for growth, and it can be
yours to. Here's how:

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