Friday, August 1, 2008

Using self talk and movies for Inspiration

I recently read a blog by an Australian blogger named Yaro Starak He talked about staying productive when you feel like giving up. Yaro was basically talking about blogging as a money making profession, but his advice seems to carry over into just about anything a person might do. He mentions a number of things I have learned in the MentoringForFree program. Number 1 and in my view most important, your mind set. Your mind can both be your greatest asset or your biggest enemy. In his blog Yaro says at times when you just don't feel motivated you need to look for the little rewards. Patience and willpower. You sometimes just have to force your self to put out the work and focus on your work and not on all the external elements that are bringing you down. These are great words. I'm sure they work for many people. But what if you are beyond patience? What if you have run out of willpower?

Success often comes slowly. You have to put in a lot of background work to set up the process to achieve your success. It sometimes feels like it is a long way off and it is quite easy to get discouraged and want to give up. This is when you need to do some "self talk".

You are probably wondering what I mean by self talk. It's basically a little pep talk you tell your self two or three times a day, some times hundreds of times a day (one which you have specifically written down for yourself) . In this talk to yourself, you state your goals and how you plan on achieving these goals. No it is not just a statement about "I want to be rich by doing network marketing"of something like that. It has to be so very much more. You need to put your heart and soul into your self talk. You need to give yourself that boost. It needs to fill you with inspiration and a knowing that You Will Succeed.

Each person's self talk is different. Everyone is motivated and inspired by different things. I recently learned about a mind movie. One of the mentors in our group recently made one for himself and posted it on youtube. Reuben made this mind movie for himself to replay 2 and3 times a day to help stay motivated and focused on his goals. Even though Reuben made this one for himself I also find his video very inspiring. Maybe you will too. This is a wonderful idea for the person who is very visual. Any one can make their very own mind movie. In your own movie you would put in the music, pictures and text which most motivates and inspires you.

Be inspired. Write your self talk.. Make your own mind movie..

If you need help with either of these, the mentors at MentoringForFree can help you.
Posted by Denise

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