Thursday, August 7, 2008

Give someone the gift of empowerment!


As we go through the days and months ahead, I am going to introduce you to amazing teenagers – just as I’m introducing teens to amazing adults. Perhaps doing so will increase respect and appreciation, instead of widening the Generation Gap.

One of my core beliefs about life is that “You Can’t Outgive the Universe”…

Other people say it different ways:
What goes around, comes around.
You reap what you sow.
What you send out will come back to you.

However you want to say it, I believe it is one of the secrets to a happy, fulfilled life. It is also – I believe – the only way to accomplish all your goals and dreams. Giving sets a whole set of universal principles in place. It releases an energy that sends good things back to the giver.

Of course, you can’t give just so you receive something in return. The giving has to be done with a “giving heart” – a desire to make a difference in the world. Just ask Mike Caswell. He learned the joy of giving early in his life…

Mike was a soccer player in Pasadena, California. The teams he played on always received brand new gear every season – uniforms, cleats, everything. The old stuff? It got chucked to the back of closets to lay idle and collect dust.

One day, years into his soccer life, Mike started thinking about all the soccer gear piled high in the back of his closet. Wasn’t there something good that could be done with it? He thought about it. He talked to his parents and friends. And he came up with a plan.

The first thing Mike did was create a flyer to send to every team and every player in his area – asking the players to donate their old gear. The response was tremendous. Huge piles of used gear in great condition came pouring into his house.

While the gear was pouring in, Mike was busy working with church groups and the American Youth Soccer Association to make connections with missionaries in Third World Countries.

The gear continued to pour in. Individuals, and entire teams, brought their old gear, excited to be making a difference. Every bit of it was folded, packed and crated for delivery – then sent on its way.

Imagine the scene with me…

Somewhere in a Third World country a gaggle of wide-eyed kids dressed in tattered clothing and barefoot stand around huge crates. They have just come in off a dusty-field, sweaty and grimy from hours of playing their favorite game. Their wide-eyed stares dissolve into huge grins and whoops of delight as uniform after uniform comes pouring from the crate.

Enough for all of them! Enough to make them look like a real team!

Enough to make them believe someone, somewhere, cares… In that moment a kernel of love and self-respect is planted in the hearts of these kids.

Mike has just set in place a dynamic that will produce results and good things for years to come. He wanted to make a difference. In doing so, he gave hundreds of kids in California the ability to give as well. He gave joy to churches and missionary groups who saw evidence of the ability of kids to want to make a difference. And he gave hundreds of poverty-stricken, soccer-mad kids great joy, hope, and the belief there are people in the world who know and care about them. And there’s no telling what kinds of great things that will produce!

All because Mike looked at a pile of dusty gear in his closet and thought about how he could give.

What about you? What do you have to give? It doesn’t have to be a lot in order to make a difference. Look around you. Look inside you. What do you have to give?

It’s true – You can’t out give the Universe. But you can certainly make the decision to TRY!

I believe you can make a difference in the world because…

Someone Believes In YOU!

And I do, too!
Ginny Dye

P.S. Would you like some ideas of how you can make a difference? Just visit www.TogetherWeCanChangeTheWorldPublishing and download any of the FREE books we have there for you – FULL of ideas about how you can make a difference in the world!

P.S.S. If you need to be reminded today just how very special you are go to: A Movie Just For You!

And if you want to know more about what this is all about, just go to

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