Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Myth And Truth To Being Successful Online

| The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry report
, although controversial, was received as an overwhelming breath of fresh air based on your surge of comments on this blog. (As of writing this, 436 comments!)

Now, what I am about to share with you is going one step further down the road of “telling it like it is”. And I am a bit nervous what the response will be to this blog post. (You are welcome to write your comments below.)

The Myth:
Some marketers of systems have the very false belief that people don’t want to work and are lazy, stupid dunces that want to sit on the couch, watching jerry springer while your bank account magically grows with money due to some secret silver bullet.

And that belief of selling to the lowest common denominator has proven to be very successful over the years for those marketer’s pocket books. But it is my opinion that belief they have sets you, the user of that system, up for failure and I choose NOT to accept it.

Here’s why.

If you buy into that belief, then you are sold by the marketer what the “lazy, stupid dunces that want to sit on the couch, watching jerry springer while your bank account magically grows with money due to some secret silver bullet” person would buy.

Even though…

(A) The person selling it actually worked their butt off to get to where they are at (the exact opposite of what they promise). And usually they got there by doing things completely differently from what they try to teach you.


(B) What they teach would NEVER work if you were the “lazy, stupid dunces that want to sit on the couch, watching jerry springer while your bank account magically grows with money due to some secret silver bullet” because no matter what they say it still requires work and learning and gaining new experiences and skills to see the desired results.

And even if you are not that person it most likely would not work for you because of all the reasons talked about in the Dirty Laundry Report… the major problems with what a lot of people are trying to sell as “systems”

The Truth:
You ARE willing to work, even work long and hard, if you truly believe that work will pay off and provide you the results you emotionally want.

But there is an IF in there (and its a BIG if!)

If you are open to digging in deeper, let’s look at the items that come after that “if” qualifier because that is where the secret to your success lies.

Sound good to you?

First is “results you emotionally want”.

This is where it starts. If you are not emotionally committed to get the results you want (one of my mentors calls it a Core Desire in his best selling book The DNA Of Success) then the obstacles you WILL encounter WILL stop you.

If your desire to get that result is a 70 on a scale of 1 to 100, you will go along quite fine until you reach an obstacle at 71.

Have you ever become stuck trying to do something you were mildly interested in and the only solution was to give up and quit? This is a big reason why that happens. Your 70 level “want” lost out badly to the “90″ level obstacle.

That is why the first part of the Nitro Blueprint System course gives you, by far, the most effective method I have discovered to find and tap into your “emotional want”. It has been proven to work for the most analytical engineers to the most free-spirited souls.

And then, strategically throughout the Blueprint, it helps you build upon that emotional want so it is a strong 100 on your scale. And it also reduces the roadblocks so instead of them being 80’s and 90’s, they are 30’s and 40’s.

I have even given you a small 20 minute taste of these “builders and reducers” in the first 3 free videos of the 5-part series you have received so you could experience a small piece of it for yourself. I hope you have found them helpful?

I can honestly say I am unaware of any online business system that even addresses this part within their training. And in my opinion, and I’m sure you will agree, based on real life experience and observation it sets you up for failure before you even get started.

Its very tough to succeed if you are not even given a chance to begin with.

Then, the second part of that key sentence is “truly believe it will work”.

It is my opinion, again based on real life experience and observation, that once you truly believe something will work, you also mentally make the commitment to follow through and do the work.

Would you agree that is true in your own life?

If you believe you can climb a 15 foot ladder, even though you are scared of heights, you will still follow through and climb the ladder regardless of the fear or uncertainty you have.

But if you do not believe it is possible for you to do it (in this case because of your fear) then you will not climb that ladder. You might make it up a couple steps but you will be permanently stuck on the second or third step because you never believed it was possible for you.

So what happens? Why is it like this?

One, you don’t see the -big picture- of what you are doing. You don’t know…
* how all the pieces fit together,
* what is the actual step-by-step process to follow,
* what are the steps and in what order do they come,
* and that you will be given the training you need to follow through and see results.

And that leaves you with the belief that it may not, probably not or even will not work for you. That’s the exact opposite belief that is required!

So you are only left with hope.

Hope is a VERY powerful emotion.

Hope is what allowed me to keep moving forward in my early years online even though I experienced painful failure after humiliating failure. From living off of ramen noodles and bologna sandwiches (with the McDonalds $1 value menu and a “middle of the room” video rental as my 1 weekend night “living the good life” entertainment.)

From having my first 3 sites being total failures. From making what now are obviously bone headed mistakes that cost me thousands of dollars in mistakes, but at the time I never knew any better because I had nobody to tell me.

I was fortunate, my hope was so strong it carried me through all the trial and error and failure I encountered in the beginning. That’s because there was no system for starting, launching and growing a successful online business, nor any people to guide me, when I was getting started in the mid 1990’s. I was on my own, left to fend for myself with only hope on my side.

But “hoping” your level of hope is high enough to carry you forward through all the crap out there is NOT what I recommend. There is a better way!

The reason we are giving you so much information
(more accurately complete and usable information) for free is to give you TRUE value first.

To give you information you can put to use and SEE results and start to positively change your life and results immediately (as many people have talked about in their comments to the series of 5 free training videos we give you for free.)

But to also give you the belief and confidence so you CAN “truly believe it will work for you”.

Or, at least hope it will work for you. Then, as the results do come to you as you start going through and using the Nitro Blueprint System, that hope does change to truly believing.

In the end, I am both curious and nervous how this social experiment will turn out.

There are only two outcomes to this social experiment…

(1) Will our belief that people are fundamentally good and you not only WANT to hear the truth but also if told the truth you will follow through on it.

(2) Or will the belief that people are fundamentally, for lack of a better word, “bad” and marketers have to play at and appeal to the lowest level of people, even if it is not in your best interest (and actually its only the marketers best interest at the expense of your success).

We will find out on Friday, December 7th at 10am eastern time when we make the Nitro Blueprint System available to you for the first time.


Many people would never dare to tell you that they actually failed in the beginning.

But why hide the truth?

Yes my first 3 sites, dating back to 1996, were complete failures. Like I said in the free Video #1… today, if you choose the new path - whatever that new path means to you, is the worst it will ever be.

You may have failed in the past, just like I failed in my past due to my lack of a system to follow back then.

But it was my and your choice to keep searching for and choosing that new path that allows us to get to where we want to go and not remain stuck where we are now.

It is my personal desire to help you avoid my pain and suffering I experienced floundering around, failing 3 times.

That pain, suffering and floundering around was due to a lack of a proven system to follow. So now it is time for us to give you our proven blueprint system if you choose to accept it.

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