Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What makes an MLM leader different?

How do you put into words exactly what makes leaders different? Can you possibly predict who will rise from follower status to becoming a recognized leader and someone who is widely accepted as a guru? Probably a lot of people figure that when you look at a leader, you see certainty and passion and enthusiasm. So long as you see those things, a person inspires confidence in others. It's not real scientific, but I'll bet you've noticed the same thing in your life. That person with a high level of confidence is easy to follow. The person without it? You hardly even notice them.

What this means is, to be a leader, you need to be certain that the actions you take make a difference. It really doesn't matter so much how you do it, so long as you do it with passion. There's an old saying, "I may not be right, but I'm never in doubt." THAT is a person who can be an inspiring leader. Anyone with a burning desire to be successful will stay away from people in doubt. In order to bring the right people into your MLM business, you need to act with certainty. When you do that, you are irresistible.

It's always surprising how many people look to others to guide them when, if they just Googled their question, theyĆ­d have an answer. True leaders don't wait for others to make a move to do it for them. They choose a good example, then they figure it out and make it work. A leader entering unknown territory still doesn't bat an eye. They do it anyway. This isn't revolutionary. Every one of us learns to drive by driving. Being a leader is all about having a "think REALLY big" mindset, and then doing the necessary actions. A leader absolutely knows that they are the ONLY one responsible for their future, so they do the logical actions that will bring the results they want.

To Your Success,
Debi Talbert

Learn the logical actions that will bring you results read Success in 10 Steps. http://doinggreat.bigmlmsecrets.com

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