Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Are You a Talker or a Doer?

Take a deep breath and determine if you are ready for a challenge and some soul searching. If you aren't, don’t read today’s email. If you're going to read this, then read through to the end.

As I grow older, and as I watch people, I have learned there are two basic types.. There are talkers. And there are doers.

Lots of people are talkers. They tell you all about what they are "going to do". They have big plans and good intentions, but all they do is talk. They're always going to do it tomorrow. They're always going to do it later. They're always "going to do
it". Sound like anyone you know?

Then there are the doers. They might not talk about it at all - they just go do it, then tell you about it when it's done. Regardless, they DO IT. If they say they are going to so something they do it.

No matter who you are – man, woman, teenager… the results of your whole life will depend on what you DO, not what you “talk about”!

Would you like to guess which group of people are going to be the ones that experience success in life. Success in whatever they decide to do? You're right. The DOERS!

I learned a long time ago that important things take tremendous work and perseverance. I also learned the closer you get to the realization of that goal, the greater and more intense the obstacles become. It's as if the Universe is testing you to see how much you want it.

One of my favorite people is AL Williams. Years ago he went against the tide of standard thinking and began a revolution in Life Insurance. People told him it couldn't be done. They said there was no way a country speaking football coach from Georgia
could turn the Insurance Industry upside down. He listened, then went and did it anyway.

I am going to steal a concept he used during one of his tapes I listened to. Since I'm a good southern girl I'm going to "speak my language".

Be honest enough to acknowledge if you hear yourself in this.

Folks, I've heard it all. I've listened to so many people tell me what they are going to do. I’m going to make more sales. I’m going to get a promotion by working hard. I’m going to start my own business. I’m going to make better grades. I’m going to volunteer and make a difference in my community. I’m going to…

But.. I just got to do a few things. Just as soon as things calm down at work, I'm gonna go do it. Just as soon as I get things together at home, I'm gonna go do it. Just as soon as I get my desk clean and organized I'm gonna do it. Just as soon as I learn some more things, I'm gonna do it. Just as soon as I have some more money I’m gonna do it. Really! I'm gonna do it.

As soon as I get smarter. As soon as I get braver.. As soon as I have more time. As soon as I get focused. Then I'm going to do it.

Folks, you're gonna spend the rest of your life getting ready. You're going to spend the rest of your life TALKING about what you're gonna do.

There's only one remedy. You got to go DO IT. Just go DO IT. Don't tell me about what you’re going to do. Just go do it. What are you going to do? Whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. Whatever it takes to create the kind of life you want.

Just do it. And if you do it, and do it, and do it…. you'll be exactly what you want to be. All your dreams will come true.

Doggone it folks. You just got to quit TALKING about what you're going to do. You got to go DO IT. AND DO IT. AND DO IT. AND DO IT.


I want you to stop what you're doing and think for a few minutes - or as long as it takes. Then I want you to write yourself a letter. Make a commitment to yourself of what you are going to DO. Make a list of your goals and put them where you’ll see them.

Here’s something that will really determine if you are a talker or a Doer. Write your letter, then ask a friend to mail it to you in 2-3 months. You can put it in a self-addressed, stamped envelope they will merely slip in the mail. You'll be able to see for yourself whether you are a talker or a DOER.

Choose today to be a DOER!

Rex Andrews


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