Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Do You Know A Volunteer?

Have you ever done any volunteer work? I have and I can guarantee that it sure makes you feel good. A lot of times when you volunteer to help out you end up benefiting as much (or more) than those you help! Whether it's helping at a school, nursing home, hospital, church, animal rescue center, YMCA or YWCA, beach clean-up day or a city park, a few hours of your time will make a huge difference!

Did you know there are actually physical benefits to volunteering? Not only are you performing important work, studies have shown that there are important therapeutic benefits. When you do an unselfish act for someone else, the biochemical activity in the brain increases and releases endorphins (the "feel good" chemicals) that fight depression and stress! People who volunteer experience a sense of well-being and their self-esteem increases.

Almost 61 million people volunteered in the United States in 2006. That was only a little over 26 percent of the population and the number of volunteers is decreasing each year. But I believe that volunteering is something that everyone can and should do. It doesn't matter how old or young, how rich or poor, how physically fit you are (or aren't), or where you live -- there are hundreds of people, animals, and environmental problems that need help. The key is to find something that you really feel passionate about and "just do it."

We've published 10 ebooks with over 101 ideas in each one that you can download if you need ideas -- just go to www.TogetherWeCanChangeTheWorldPublishing.com and help yourself! We have a Division called Together We Can Change The World Day (T-Day) where you can look for a project happening in your area or list your own! (We're going to be gearing this up in the next few months and I'll be introducing you to Lin Seahorn our new Director of T-Day in upcoming issues of this newsletter -- so "stay tuned"!)

If you work with an organization that utilizes Volunteers, you know they are crucial to your success! Did you know that Sunday, the 20th, is Volunteer Recognition Day? One of the ebooks we offer is 101 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Volunteers. Why not download it and make sure your volunteers know how much they mean to you and your organization?

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to be a volunteer. You have a special gift or skill that is valuable and needed. Whether you like to read aloud to a patient in a hospital or group of children at the library; take care of abandoned animals at a rescue shelter; knit sweaters for homeless individuals; answer phones or help with mailings; or serve at a local food pantry or soup kitchen, no one can do it just the way you can! Decide to reach beyond your own needs to help someone else, and watch how it changes your world!

You'll make it a great year!


Rex Andrews
Dewey, Arizona


We BELIEVE that Together We Can Change the World!

Quotes Of The Week

"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore there be only kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again." ~William Penn

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." ~Mohammed Ali

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." ~Albert Pike

"Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. . . You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

We're on a mission and want to invite you along! We exist to help make a difference in our world by helping to create massive funding for organizations, businesses and individuals AND helping children in the U.S. and around the world through Someone Believes In You!, our TWCCTW Foundation, and One-Child-At-A-Time Program. We believe that together, we can change the world! To learn more about who we are and what we're about use this link.

Someone Believes In You! NEW

Together We Can Change the World has just added a new division! Someone Believes In You! offers daily emails with powerful stories that encourage, motivate, and inspire. We all need to know we are special, valued and capable of achieving all we were created to achieve. Give someone (or yourself) the daily gift of empowerment to believe in their dreams. Every subscription provides a fr*ee subscription for a foster or at-risk child. Visit Someone Believes In You! to see sample stories, certificates, testimonies, and to find out more. Then snag your subscription(s)! Help us change the world -- one person at a time!

Join our rapidly growing family of EVERYDAY shoppers who are helping their families and favorite cause(s) with every purchase they make.

And remember -- unlike your neighborhood mall, My Power Mall is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- has no crowds or parking problems, saves you gas AND valuable time!

What Difference Can I Make?

Don't think because you're only one person you can't make a difference! You can. . .

. . . treat all volunteers like celebrities for a week. Put gold stars with their names on them along the walkway into the building, in the hallways, wherever they'll be seen. Give over the staff lounge to the volunteers for the week. Decorate it with a celebrity theme and provide food all week long. Specially mark the front parking spots for "volunteers only" -- have the CEO and others give up their parking spots for the week. (Idea taken from our fr*ee E-book, 101 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Volunteers. (TogetherWeCanChangeTheWorldPublishing.com).

We now have 11 fr*ee E-books (with more to come) that you can download on our Publishing site (see link in paragraph above).

Little things make BIG differences!

Another great way to make a difference is by signing up for a Together We Can Change The World DAY project in your area (or register yours!) and multiply your efforts.

Profile of the Week

Jerry feels the familiar tug on his heart strings as he sits in the stands of the new soccer field watching the players compete in the final game of the season. With only a few seconds remaining, the team scores the winning goal and he jumps from the stands to congratulate his team. He is so proud of these kids.

Jerry's passion for soccer started many years ago while growing up in a small town in the Midwest. An only child raised by his mother, Jerry craved the companionship of kids his own age. His mother let him join the city soccer league when he was 8 years old, and soccer has been a passion in his life ever since.

Jerry thinks back to those early years when the league lacked money for uniforms, equipment and a decent place to play. He smiles as he remembers playing on empty land or in parking lots. And they always played in their street clothes. As a kid, that didn't matter to him. What mattered was playing -- being with other kids -- being part of a team. Jerry is thankful for the camaraderie and team skills he learned as a result of playing soccer, all of which helped make him the person he is today.

And so he didn't hesitate when asked to coach. Jerry feels strongly about giving back. As a result, he has touched the lives of thousands of young people during his 14 years as the volunteer leader for the city soccer league. He has raised countless funds to build a soccer field, buy uniforms and equipment, and provide a safe environment for young people to develop their skill and love of the game. He also coaches a team every season to stay connected to the kids.

Although thankful for a recent soccer league award, Jerry will tell you the awards and accolades are not the reason he continues his volunteer efforts in soccer. "I can say with complete truthfulness, it is not an award or the acclaim of others; it is the appreciation from a former soccer player whose life has taken a positive turn due to some of my efforts," says Jerry.

Jerry is jolted back to the present and his excited championship team. He grabs the team soccer ball and yells above the kids' excited chatter. "Come on, guys, let's go get some pizza. Last one to the van is a rotten egg!"

* * * * * * * * *

Let's Celebrate!

Need an excuse to celebrate (or go shopping on your My Power Mall)? How about: Income Tax Day (15th), Take a Wild Guess Day (15th), Equal Pay Day (15th), Fast Food Day (15th), Rubber Eraser Day (15th), Freak-out Day (15th), Titanic Remembrance Day (15th), Leonardo da Vinci's Birthday (15th), International Stress Awareness Day (16th), International Moment of Laughter Day (16th), Eggs Benedict Day (16th), National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day (16th), Blah! Blah! Blah! Day (17th), Ellis Island Family History Day (17th), Ford Mustang Day (17th), Get to Know Your Customers Day (17th), High Five Day (17th), National Cheeseball Day (17th), Nosy Neighbor Appreciation Day (17th), International Special Librarian's Day (17th), Time Out Day (18th), Comic (Books) Days (18-20), International Juggler's Day (18th), Pet Owners Independence Day (18th), World Amateur Radio Day (18th), YoYo Days (18-20), Paul Revere Day (18th), Primrose Day (19th), Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day (19th), National Hanging Out Day (19th), Hot Dog Day (19th), Husband Appreciation Day (19th), World Cow Chip Day (19th), National Garlic Day (19th), Look Alike Day (20th), Volunteer Recognition Day (20th), Lima Bean Respect Day (20th), Full Moon Day (20th), Patriots' Day (21st) Kindergarten Day (21st), National Chocolate-covered Cashews Day (21st), Birthday of Charlotte Bronte (21st), or Creativity and Innovation Day (21st).

Special Week Celebrations: Pan American Week (13-19), Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Week (13-19), National Crime Victims Rights Week (13-19), National Library Week (13-19), National Personal Training Week (13-20), Week of the Young Child (13-19), National Inspirational News Week (13-19), Young People's Poetry Week (14-20), National Occupational Health Nursing Week (14-18), Organize Your Files Week (3rd week), Medical Labs Week (3rd week)

Some of the April Month Celebrations: Alcohol Awareness Month, Amateur Radio Month, Autism Awareness Month, Cancer Control Month, Celebrate Diversity Month, Couple Appreciation Month, Financial Literacy Month, Global Child Nutrition Month, Informed Women Month, Injury Prevention Month, International Customer Loyalty Month, Jazz Appreciation Month, Month of the Young Child, Month of the Military Child, National Car Care Month, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, National Decorating Month, National Donate Life Month, National Humor Month, National Kite Month, National Landscape Architecture Month, National Occupational Therapy Month, National Parkinson's Awareness Month, National Prepare Your Home to be Sold Month, National Pecan Month, National Pet First Aid Awareness Month, National Poetry Month, National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, National Youth Sports Safety Month, Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month, Physical Wellness Month, Prevent Lyme in Dogs Month, Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month, School Library Media Month, Straw Hat Month, Southern Belles Month, Women's Eye Health & Safety Month, Workplace Conflict Awareness Month, International Guitar Month, Keep America Beautiful Month, Lawn and Garden Month, Poetry Month, National Welding Month, Stress Awareness Month

2008 has been declared: International Year of Languages, International Year of Planet Earth, International Year of the Potato, and International Year of Sanitation

Did You Know?

Shampoo was first marketed in the U.S. in 1930 by John Breck, who was the captain of a volunteer fire department.

Shop MPM Mall for your EVERYDAY needs!

Just For Fun

This week's brainteaser: A mother has six children and five potatoes. How can she feed each child an equal amount of potatoes? (Do not use fractions.)

Last week's brainteaser: My brother Mark says he is able to place a bottle in the middle of a room and by crawling on the floor, he can slide into it. How can this be? Answer: He goes to the next room and by crawling toward the bottle, he slides into the room.

Tips & Tricks

Vinegar, Onions & Berries

Vinegar does a great job fighting offensive odors. Try rubbing distilled vinegar on your hands before and after you slice onion, garlic or clean fish. You can also use undiluted white vinegar on your hands to remove stains from berries.

Together we can change the world!

Below are URLs to copy/paste if links don't work:

About Together We Can Change the World:


My Power Mall

Someone Believes In You!:




TWCCTW Exclusive Movies



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