Friday, February 8, 2008

Kool Kats, Selfish Brats, and Stratocasters

The Power of Mind and Intention

by Randy Gage

Ok I admit it. I have a charmed life. Everything I touch turns to gold. Or platinum. Or Prada.

I'm healthy, happy, and successful. My worst nightmare day is a lot of people's dream come true.

Now it wasn't always this way...

For more than 30 years, my life sucked. I was sick, broke, and stupid. Everything I touched turned to crap. If anyone could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, that would have been me.

So what changed?

I came to the belief that I was responsible for everything that happened in my life, both the good, and the unspeakably horrible. Which was a very frightening thought indeed...

Because it meant I could not blame my dysfunctional relationships on my exes, I couldn't blame all my business failures on crooked partners, the government or the economy, and I couldn't blame my poor health and other drama on God, the universe, or circumstance.

And while that was quite a frightening thought at became the thought that set me free.

Because it took me out of the mindset that I was a victim of circumstance, and created a mindset and belief that I could control my own destiny. Which meant I could manifest being happy, getting rich, becoming successful, and attracting quality people into my life!

Do you really get this? Do you really understand that you can manifest a life of health, happiness and prosperity?

Now this thought is radically different than what the "herd" believes. But that's why most of the people in the herd are sick, broke, and ignorant.

They feel victimized by God, the Universe, nature, destiny, luck, circumstance, and a litany of other "outside" factors. But that discounts the reality of the connection between thought and circumstance. You create your circumstances by the thoughts you give precedence to. Now of course that doesn't mean all you have to do is have lots pf scattered positive thoughts…

Until your thought is linked with purpose, you won't achieve any long-term intelligent accomplishment. And until you make this connection, you can't experience the true prosperity that is your birthright.

Not only must you have a purpose, but you have to make that purpose a selfish one. Call it enlightened self interest, or whatever you want, but if you don't take care of your own needs first, you're worthless to anyone else.

Now to do that, however, may take having a dramatic shift in your mindset, beliefs and opinion on life. It may mean you have to dramatically alter the view you have of yourself, and your role in the world.

If you're like most sick, broke and ignorant people, you view your purpose through the eyes of servicing others, contributing to the greater good, or looking after the people around you. And you see selfish people as bad people.

Now let me go on the record and say, if your main purpose in life is to "serve others" or "serve God" you have an extremely low opinion of yourself, don't believe you are worthy, and will experience a tremendous amount of lack and limitation in your life.

If you see your main purpose in life as serving others, you're probably personally responsible for the founding of at least three co-dependents anonymous chapters. In fact, if you believe your purpose in life is to serve others, I think you're nuts.

Why do I say that? Because I would define insanity as unsoundness of mind to render a person unfit to maintain a relationship, or look after his or her own needs for emotional well being and survival.

People who spend their existence worrying solely about the needs of others and not themselves are not noble, benevolent, and spiritual. They are crazy.

Because they don't look after their own needs first, they really can't help others in a healthy way. They can console them, participate in their drama, or enable their co-dependence, but they can't offer them real, meaningful help.

You know that to love anyone else, you must first love yourself. But are you really aware of what that means on a practical application level? Simply put:

I see selfishness as a virtue. In fact, I think your highest moral purpose must be your own happiness.

Does that threaten you? Offend you? Make you angry? If so, please take a good look at that. Because this is the only healthy, sane way to live. And the only way that ensures the survival of the species, and the well being of the most people. In fact, it is the only honorable way to conduct any relationship!

You must not sacrifice yourself to others because that is depravity; a certain state of moral corruption and degradation.

And likewise for the opposite situation. You shouldn't ask others to sacrifice for you, for that is no less sick and depraved.

Don't get me wrong: I volunteer for organizations. I mentor people. I help my friends in need. And I give away more money to charity each year than most people earn. But here are a couple of things you should know:

One, I do this because I am able to. I have taken care of my own financial security, which gives me the ability to help others. All those years when I was struggling, I wasn't able to help anyone.

And two, I help all these people and causes for purely selfish reasons. It brings me great joy to support an opera singer in the young artist program, support a scholarship fund, or make a dying kid's dream come true. So I help all kinds of people. Because I am selfish. Give that some thought.

Some more thoughts on our last two issues about living your life with adventure. The Jonny Lang column got a lot of response as well. I heard from a lot of people who said it got them up off their ass and doing stuff they had talked about for years. I salute you! And just so you know, I followed my own advice.

I went out on Sunday and bought a special limited edition, Stevie Ray Vaughn Fender Stratocaster guitar, a twin reverb amp, and some other new toys. Now many of you probably didn't know that I'm one of those cool kats who plays the blues guitar. That's ok, neither did I. But I am now!

Have a great week!


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